Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

This is the one thing I’m kinda disappointed by. I’m glad that it’s going away in WoD and Legion, but I just wish PF would disappear all together. They need to find another method or something.


Maybe they could design zones to make use of flying instead of without it?

Posting on a lvl 20? Seems like an incognito review bomber. Please be gone FF14 investor.

Surely the armour mogs are at least decent looking.

I’m thinking being a Necrolord aligned Vulpera Warrior sounds pretty good to me aesthetically.

LOL, you didnt pay blizzard to do nothing, therefore your opinion is irrelevant. LOL

Imagine thinking post-2018 wow is bragging rights LMAO

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I spent 30 minutes trying to learn acoustic guitar, but all the starter book contained was nursery rhyme level tunes and simple folk ditties.

I was so disappointed I checked out the guitar itself more carefully to find out why I couldn’t access the music that was inside it. To my horror, I realised I’d been ripped off. The guitar I had bought was hollow.

Tomorrow I’m going to buy the guitar my muso friend plays. That definitely has the music in it.

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Yah personnaly, the only thing dissapointing about shadowlands to me is the lack of a new class. It sill looks amazing though, and i am looking forward to what blizzard has in store for us. Add that to the potential announcement of burning crusade classic servers in october/november, and i feel this is going to be a good year for world of warcraft.

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it’s just the alpha…
it’s just beta…
it’s just 9.1…
it’s just 9.2…
it’s just 9.3…


You can’t take seriously from someone who didn’t even play the game.
30 minutes?
surely he spent watching a tree

this game was never for casual people

1-5 hours per week can be fun for you.

but the opinion of someone who plays 5-15 hours a week is worth more

You obviously weren’t playing when WoW began.
It was marketed as the casual alternative to the more demanding MMOs of that time.

Why are you on a forum for a game you seemingly dislike… stop being a diva and shoo. I don’t go around posting every thought just because I find something not fun while throwing in some shade…

I think it’s funny that people think you can’t quit wow. There is a breaking point and a lot of people are reaching it.

Just look how far it’s fell since wrath.


I get that people might want more customized features or less levels. I dont care but if those are your big selling points I wont be playing until they prove they can do better gameplay and gear wise.

Can’t wait. It’s looking amazing :smiley:

Only six months to go :slight_smile:

WoW was built as a more casual and accessible alternative to Everquest :slight_smile:

How about giving it more of a chance than 30 mins of a video that you don’t even get to play?

How about waiting until you can actually try it out before judging it?

This is true. i remember when wow came out as a turning point to every other mmo out there. I just don’t understand how wow got more casual than wrath of the lich king casual. I never thought it would happen. Wow is to streamlined and hypercasual now in its retail form. Still an amazing game though, looking forward to shadowlands.

I’ll complain about things I dislike, and praise what I like. Mob mentality and waiting to see if certain aspects of the game are good are in no way the same thing.

Unlike 99% of GD and the WoW forums in general, there are things I both enjoy and don’t enjoy about BFA. It’s insane how there’s so few people who are actually able to be objective nowadays.

The truth is, I don’t care if you quit WoW. I don’t need an announcement for it.

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