Oh god what a load of garbage! SL getting worse by the day. Who are you making games for ActiBlizz, 10 yr olds?
And be disappointed.
This is gold.
Pathfinder is not only cool but rewarding.
This young generation of wow players just likes things handed to them. I fear we vets are losing this battle.
Watches a 30 minute video of a expansion in it’s alpha state with literally parts of zones and content that aren’t even in the game.
Makes the claim that it’s going to be a extension of BFA.
These forums never cease to entertain, stay classy GD.~
I think that levels 1-50 will be a lot of fun! I probably won’t do Shadowlands this time around but possibly when they unlock flying I’ll use my gold to get the xpac
They’re canning a lot of sucky systems but they haven’t really made my main spec better for me. Does not making it worse count as a positive? I guess.
Unconvinced how Torghast and such will play out. Too early to tell. Might suck, might be great, might be boring and functional. We’ll see.
A whole 30 mintues? Lol.
You’re the type of player we all wish would actually quit rather than just fake quitting in the forums
Someone gotta tell this guy the truth.
How easy is it to just ignore them? I’m sure blizz really values your opinion too…
Well, then clearly you weren’t paying attention.
Either that or you’re just trolling for attention. My guess is probably the latter.
did you even look at the alpha before posting this thread lol
He might have looked at it 5 weeks ago when he made this thread.
thats fair