Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

I’ll edit that reply to signify that it’s about leveling changes to flying, so that anyone that cares to can “unlike” it, but as it was done 2d ago, i doubt that it matters at this point.

Most likely, many didn’t know about those changes to leveling, in which case it appealed to them, thus the like.

Jury’s still out on what Pathfinder’ll be like come SL, so we all wait with bated breath.

I don’t think they should. I think flight should be saved for endgame once you’ve unlocked world quests. This is one point I’m actually with Blizz on. Granted I don’t come here and post the praises of pathfinder but people like me are out there.

That’s why I don’t watch videos on it, read articles on it or listen to what others have to say about it. I’ll find out about it myself when the expansion launches. I feel there’s a lack of exploration when you know every thing that may or may not be in an expansion months before it’s even out.

New at 7. WoW still WoW.

Player mad.

Still mad.

I don’t get what was so bad about WoD. The zones were great and the story lines were immersive. All that Ashran gear made leveling alts a breeze. I could keep my raid alt up to snuff with modest effort while continuing to play my favorite solo toon.

Because there are years of proof that blizzard has made every decision. NOTHING will change from here on out, once there’s an asset on an alpha it’s not changing

Because you’re delusional and a part of the problem that is endlessly allowing ion to pull this stupidity

Assuming you really do think they’ve suddenly learned where everything post mop has not done it

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment

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Can someone show me where Blizz said they’re removing emissaries? And, hopefully why?

Jeez. This comment alone exudes the general toxicity and partisanship in regards to how some people view the game here on the forums. Might as well respond. Nothing else to do.

Please explain how nothing will change from here on out? They’ve already changed countless things. Most notably, they removed the timer from Torghast after people complained. I could come up with countless other examples if need be. That’s what alphas are for.

Nobody is delusional for being cautiously optimistic about an expansion whose systems are looking good, but are too early in development to tell. You can use the whole “people said ‘Oh! It’s only Alpha’ about BFA” argument, but that argument came from the fact that no end-game systems were tested until literally 1 week before the expansion dropped.

2 ALPHA builds in, and we’re testing Torghast and Covenants, the two major end-game systems in this expansion. So no, I’m not delusional. You’re not delusional. Nobody is delusional. Don’t throw words around like that unless you mean it.

Legion was great. I’ll admit that the crappy Legendary system not only existed, but was literally one of the only things supporting world content. Other than that, it was very enjoyable for most people.

Furthermore, you act as if anything post-MoP is unalterable, which isn’t true. We’re not stuck in this time period of endless awful expansions, and things can be changed.

For the record, Cataclysm and MoP actually introduced most of the systems that make the game feel awful today (RNG gear upgrades, LFR, daily logins, just to name a few). Besides for LFR, these are all things that they’ve explicitly stated that they’re moving away from since BlizzCon 2019. Multiple times.

You can just be pessimistic, or you can actually realize that they’re at least doing things MUCH differently this time. Never before have we had this much communication and change within the Alpha. I’d hope you see that as a positive thing, and that it’s something that instills hope in many players.

As I said before (in a non-delusional manner, mind you), we need to wait and see how this is all gonna work out. That’s how it’s always been with every expansion, good or bad.

I have no clue as to why you’re so vehemently opposed to having any faith or hope in the future of WoW, especially when it’s looking bright right now. If you paid attention to every Alpha before this after MoP, you’d come to realize that they were all lackluster, had few changes, and didn’t have any communication or interviews.

This is different. Very different. You’re obviously still subscribed, meaning that whether you play Classic or Retail, you are a consumer of the WoW franchise. I would hope that that’d mean that you’re hoping for the game to be better.

It was boring. What content there was, wasn’t extra exciting outside of raids. Definitely very good raids (edit - LFR saw the removal of any meaningful gear here, which proved to be a mistake that I think I read they’re repeating? I need to read more, I read no tier til 9.3 or something crazy, I think). But if you weren’t a raider or a PvPer (I heard PvP was very well balanced, didn’t play it), what did you have? Not much, WQs in their first iteration. It was very bare bones. So much cool stuff was scrapped, too. We could have seen the ogre city or a fleshed out Shattrath. Instead we got… Twitter.

It was an expac with a lot of excellent ideas that were never carried out. I was warlord of my garrison table on a good day.

Exactly. SL is nothing more than an extension of BFA.

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This is really the key for me. Their handling of flying is really the litmus test for how they design the game. Pathfinder exists to string players along. The game isn’t intended to be fun; it’s intended to be tedious and grindy. Therefore you can expect that design to be applied to other aspects of the game.

3 alpha builds in and calling it “Hollow”? thats the point of Alpha my dude.

Even though I do hate it but… Woah! That’s interesting but I sure don’t care! (dont have the trust level to post the image :confused: )

I told you all SL is a BFA extension. Adding a timer now to torghast.

So much for feedback.


Destro and demo were hardly touched… But holinka is designing classes… He’s responsible for trashcan in in WOD

Congratulations. You’re part of the problem. Wait-and-see has Only ever ended poorly. Then you cluck and wonder how it all went so wrong. Can’t be those pesky haters telling you the truth months in advance!


Lol okay bye

This isn’t meant to sound rude, but this is a monthly sub game. If you don’t like where you think the game is going…then take a break. Coming on here isn’t going to do anything but stir the pot.

It’s been my experience that people who quit playing don’t make posts about it. They just leave.

Well, bye.

One of the reasons I haven’t pre ordered. Pathfinder can kiss my bubble.

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They are not PvP vendors mah dude, they are PvP mobsters slinging PvE gear to unwitting PvPers.

We finally find the damned vendors and WHAM! hah got you suckers, it’s PVE gear!

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