Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

I’m glad that Pathfinder is still going to work the same. Keeps whiners like you from being in the game for the first few patches. The less toxicity, the better for us all.

Crafting? Did they fix the awful crafting from these last two Xpacs?

Might as well hope to win the lottery. Your odds would be better.

And Cataclysm will always be worse than WoD.

Wait… emissaries are getting removed??? Why???

If flying is the only reason why you play WoW… maybe its not SL that is your problem and perhaps its time you find a new game to play?

Wait, so you watched 30 minutes of an Alpha build and made a decision upon that alone? Well best of luck, honestly I am a little relieved you won’t be around.

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Uh oh… Here we go again, folks!

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I don’t understand what people even want? They say what they “don’t” want pretty clearly.

So what do you want instead? Don’t give us lawyer speech like “meaningful engagement with the possibility of proper character progression and choices. I want to see a system whereby I enjoy myself while playing the game competitively without feeling the pressure of watered down systems and the carrot on the stick as being a feature in place of some mechanical piece of engaging aspects.”

No. Literally just type in here… what the hell you want to see. Like what new features and explain how it works.

Alright so, when you get to max level (60) I want the player to embark upon a quest to the main city, over near the flight path guy and I want to talk to George and I want George to give me flying :slight_smile:

That’s what I want :slight_smile:

…Barbie doll? How rude.

I’m standing by my “WoD was the worst” opinion, but I’ve noticed that too. Everyone is praising Legion now but the tears were definitely flowing that expac.

Pathfinder is a shallow reason to diss an unfinished expansion.


Imagine calling an expansion hollow because it doesn’t have the most superficial aspect to it in flying.

“Screw class design, dungeon/raid/world design, screw everything except whether I can avoid mobs between point A and B”.

I understand the appeal of flying as a convenience, but I do not understand the mindset that Pathfinding (or flying as a greater topic) making or breaking an expansion for people.


K, bye

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My concern is, that you need one currency to do things, in one zone, and from that zone, you need another currency to do content on another. Already like this with this current patch, I got mixed feelings about that.

Yeah I figure there will probaby be pathfinder for SL too, I got my hopes up until I read the post on Wowhead.

If you are farming likes all you have to do is come to the forum and post a rage fit post against the game. If you actually sit back and look at most thread starters they are just plain whine threads. Look look at the OP here. You would think being that mad you would just move on and find something fun to do right? It’s just a drama starter post.

Looks like BfA without the islands and Warfronts imo.

Only rated pvp gets vendors. Believe me, people are still going to complain about no pvp vendors.