Wasn't this supposed to be fun, fast and wild?

I never did the farm, im not talking about that. Im talking about end game raids.

Sorry, you’re not going to gaslight me.

Gaslighting is a specific form of manipulation, meant to make you question your own sanity.

Simply disagreeing with you isn’t gaslighting.


I dunno. I think the OP has a point. if you exploited the frogs, you now are a god and have enough Bronze to buy every reward in 1-2 days.
Meanwhile, everyone else leveling up to 70 becomes WEAKER, the game is a buggy mess, and people are noticing, apparently the intended way to farm bronze is so bad, it will take you like 30-50 days OR multiple level 70 characters IF you want every reward there is.
Even if you don’t want every reward and you just want to hit 70 and have that character for The War Within and maybe some rewards for 1 class. The amount of bronze you have when you hit 70 is so low, you can maybe buy 2-3 rewards out of like 100+.
It comes across to many players that this mode isn’t fun, is lazy design and isn’t fun or rewarding at all like the hype and marketing suggested it to be.
Oh, and you now have retail wow player toxicity blending into it as well in dungeons, raids, etc.


yes, that is what we were sold, that is what we want. Stop being contrarian as a personality trait for the sake of it. Stop being yourself. Be like the people with standards and expectations in this thread.


If that’s what we want to do, why not let us? This is just a silly xmog event, right? It should have been fixed BEFORE release, knowing this was already a problem back in MoP. Don’t patch it after 20% of the communities exploited the life out of it.

Bottom line, at this point it should have been kept in to give the rest of us a chance to catch up with the farmers. Especially since this doesn’t affect retail in ANY way. No, instead we get a f***** Pandaren Caste System.


Or sad, sluggish and soporific,

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It’s just tone deaf blizzard at it again. If they want this event to be taken as a success, they’ll revert the nerfs done.

If they want this to continue to look like a dumpster fire and have Plunderstorm as the clear winner, they’ll just double down and do nothing or justify.

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Its more laughable that Blizzard thinks this number is ok.

“Just give them a meager 25% boost?”
“But do nothing about the inflated prices of upgrades and unlockables?”


First few lines of announcement for event…

Relive epic adventures with an all-new event— World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria. Experience the wonders of Pandaria anew, but with fresh new loot— and (almost) unlimited power.

Not really nearly unlimited without frog farm…


Frogs were degen and should have been nerfed. It’s not healthy for the game. We dont want a situation 3 weeks from now where you have to grind frogs for 10 hours on a new character just to get a raid invite.

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Nearly unlimited makes me think i should be able to solo at a point


Guess what, 90% of what I say is sarcasm.
Read into some more of my posts where I actually say serious stuff.
Roll back the cloaks, or give us the frog cloaks that everyone else has.

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you failed in the above mentioned case, but I still love you, brother in WoW.

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True, but not the issue. Frog farm was the only reasonable method of acquiring bronze and now that it’s been removed the people who took advantage are massively ahead of everyone who didn’t and there’s no way to catch up to them.

As opposed to the situation now where people who didn’t farm frogs for 10 hours aren’t getting raid invites?

Don’t lie to me. Nobody loves me. Reason I am on 13 medications <3
Also I did not fail - yall just can’t read into it bc nobody knows me well enough <3

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It probably is fun fast and wild for the people who farmed frogs for 20 hours.


I told myself “if this isn’t fixed Ill do it tomorrow”
that morning it was fixed lmao

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Willing to bet we get another mediocre hotfix. “But guys, 25% is A LOT. Just do all your dailies, all normal raids and dungeons and you’ll be set in (500 hours) no time at all!”


Literally false advertising. The people who did frogs sure feel OP and are slaying things with ease to farm cosmetics. They are living it as it was advertised. The only problem is, it required an exploit to obtain, i.e. not playing as intended, even remotely so.
Meanwhile those that did play as intended, ultimately get punished seeing as most raid groups want frog abusers, and certain cosmetics like Tusks are locked behind 10-20 clears of SoO on Normal+.

I had no issue w/ Normal MSV, Terrace, HoF, etc. when I was like level 40-50. Now that I’m approaching 70 everything is feeling weaker every level. That’s standard for an expansion to get you to grind for dungeon gear/become raid ready, but this event was advertised as being a fun and fast way to level alts, farm cosmetics, etc.

None of that was delivered. It’s the same length of grind as it was during 5.4 to get geared enough to even remotely ‘compete’ with the exploiters, and even if you did catch up, they’d still overlap you ten-fold since they’re also still running content with their OP toons.

Best thing they could do at this point is just bring back the frog hyperspawn and undo the nerfs. Then everybody can farm away to make massively OP toons to clear raids w/ ease and put in TIME to farm cosmetics they’ve wanted for a decade now. You know, the experienced THEY ADVERTISED THIS AS.