Wasn't this supposed to be fun, fast and wild?

These hotfixes and nerfs to things that make it so we can power along (Cape nerf, frogs nerf) seem to just counter the idea of what MoP remix was supposed to be.

It seems they are more focused on nerfing what we were enjoying to get mogs and mounts than fixing the scaling issues with mobs one shotting out of thin air. Is there just a team at blizz that is dedicated to anti-fun?

Just revert the nerfs, let us have our fun.


You have nearly 4 months. it is day 4 of the event.
Frogs means nothing unless you want to zug zug press w through the event in a week then complain about nothing to do for the next 3 months until TWW comes out.


Most people thought this, most people disappointed.


That is what was advertised, that is not what we received.


some people do not just play retail. I was hoping I would be able to experience some of the raids before cata classic dropped but with the level 70 scaling it seems like that will not be the case. At least I was able to get all the heroic dungeons done


I’ve done 2 normal raids and been max level for two days.
The raids are beautiful


When did you do the raids? Did you do the raids before you hit max level, or after?

I didn’t realize until yesterday you could do them below max. so at 70.

Yeah, it was supposed to be. The first few hours/first day of it still is. The cloak nerf, scaling issues and gear treadmill are obscene. They’ll probably fix some of that this week, though.


There is still a Timewalkers Aura that nerfs Warriors by 25%. Goes completely against the messaging that this is supposed to be an Overpowered fun accelerated leveling fest.

People keep trying to cope with their responses about how its only been a few days and you have all this time…but why stay all that time in an event where they already mislead the player base?


Yes you guys…things definitely get better if you just keep doing the exact same thing and never push back. Thats the way!


Then everyone in your raid group was 70, and you likely did not run into the scaling issues that are present when you do content with low levels. I would encourage you to queue up for just a random normal or heroic dungeon with at least one or more of the party being below 70 and see how you fair.

I was able to do heroic scenarios before level 70. Now that I’m 70, I’m no longer able to. I actually failed doing the exact same heroic scenario I succesfully did while I was leveling. So this is not a skill issue, this is not a ‘grind more’ issue. This is a scaling issue.


Yes, and that’s what I’ve been getting at and I seem to be getting attacked.
I’ve watched people get hit by tortos for 25k, but huolon farts and you get hit for 6 million.
Scaling is atrocious


So far is the other way around…

But hey frogs were the problem…


Signed… someone that couldnt get into any frog group because I wasnt part of the meta for 2x4’s.


Lmao. what was a 2x4?

2x4 was something during BFA but I’m fairly sure it was the same for frogs…

2 groups of 4 people not 5 could tag the mobs as long there werent 5 tags on a mob… per group…

If I recall it correctly it’s been so long…

I thought it was supposed to be fast and fun, but it just feels like a slow grind to me.


If you are in a group of 5 and someone in the group of 5 tags a mob, nobody else can get credit. if you do 2 groups of 4 players all 8 people will get credit for tags

2 groups of 4 people farming multiple spawn locations (theres like 3 at the frogs). Had to be 4 people, because groups of 5 would hard tag mobs. With a couple of boomies and brewmaster monks you could achieve somewhere around 5000 charms an hour + all the frog loot.

To put this into perspective 10 charms = 1 chest, 1 thread, and 1 random gem. The hardest part was using a macro to spam turn in the quest hundreds of time.

5 people share a tag at most, and so if you have two groups of 4, both groups get credit for a tag. since one player from each group tagged.

it’s minmaxing farm.

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more like dull, slow and boring