Wasn't this supposed to be fun, fast and wild?

“Frog farm”, “2x4”, “OMG I am so behind”

The retail virus can’t be stopped, even the normiest of normies hopelessly desire to optimize even the simplest things in WoW to death.

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Im having a blast. LFR throws bronze at me.

I dont see what the whining is about. Its been a lot of fun so far. Game isnt laggy at all. Not seen any bugs, personally. LFR is a blast. Dropping a ton of bronze. Zero complaints.
I hope they make this an occasional thing like TW dungeons

ive gotten more mounts in 3 days than ive gotten in YEARS of playing

so yes

i agree with you


I don’t want to be playing the mode for 4 months, i would hazard a guess that only a minority of people do. I was however enjoying it and was prepared to put in some hard hours to grind for cosmetics and mounts.

Now that i hear there was this massive shortcut that quite a group of people benefited from, and now it’s gone, completely kills my motivation to continue


I want to optimize this because I want to get my 30+ mounts, level alts, and leave.

Unfortunately, the event was falsely advertised, so I don’t even want to level the alts. I’d rather level alts in retail…


I told myself I was gonna make all my warband toons on a new realm and start fresh.
Leveled two toons, literally refuse to level a third.

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How dare you not play a boomkin or hunter!!

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While I think frog nerfs were needed, they probably should buff gains from things like world quests, raids, dungeons etc.


I agree.
Roll back the cloaks too from ppl who couldn’t/didnt do the frogs.

yeah and we still need to collect bullion on retail

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Remix was a mistake. If the goal for a lot of players is to be overpowered and collect all rewards in a few days, why even go through the trouble of making this game mode? Our main characters are already OP in MoP content, so just put the vendors in the original timeline and let people skip the rest.

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Really? Can you list names of these “most” people?

I’ve done all the raids on normal except Throne of Thunder , that’s the only raid I havnt had a chance to do. Been to busy clearing the zones of literally every single quest :joy::joy::joy:

No one enjoyed farming frogs for hours every day. No, not even you. It was something people felt they HAD to do to get the most bronze per hour. For most, it’s just another grind to get all these cosmetics that people feel they HAVE to have because if they don’t have it and someone else does, they’ll get upset.
I never understood the thought process behind this. Thankfully I’ve actually been able to enjoy going around questing and re-exploring Pandaria with my partner like I had so long ago.

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It’s created gatekeeping in pugs where it’s now a locked gate. I would have preferred it was never there and we all had to wait for power, but that’s no longer possible. I think it’s fair that people are mad about this.

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The gatekeeping you perceive isn’t real. If people are THAT upset about it, they can always make new characters to grind raids daily. Or quest. Or do dungeons. Or do literally any actual content other than… hours of frogs.
Getting upset that they nerfed an exploited farm is ridiculous.

Except you cant join a group for content without linking a cloak with a certain power. I’m glad that you are enjoying running around with your partner doing world activities, but that’s not the only pov. No one is stopping you from doing your activity, where plenty of people are now stopped from doing theirs.


I’m sorry you guys aren’t allowed to exploit that specific farm anymore. Maybe try goats? Or Jade Forest turtles? Until, of course, those get nerfed as well. :slight_smile: