Wasn't this supposed to be fun, fast and wild?

100% agree

Lol I know right, and then you stumble upon someone doing literally 6 MILLION DPS on a YouTube video and thinkā€¦ Why botherā€¦ Iā€™ll never be able to match that power now.

It was a fast event.
One week and now basically over.
Maybe players on my server will come back on the weekend but maybe not.
MoP is empty here.

Anyone who has read this and taken it as fact, please check out the link below to see the actual prices of rewards as they vary wildly and for even for only 20,000 bronze, you can get much more than just 2 to 3 rewards.

For reference, before I even reached lvl 35, I had purchased two mounts for 2,200 each and had enough left over to purchase two more and one of the medium-priced Pandaria World Ensembles.

How many rewards you can accrue will depend on what you want, how many alts you level and how you play those alts thru the world.

This event was nothing more than a ploy to get players who dropped subs for Season 4 to come back before the pre-patch. Nothing more, nothing less.

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yeah i thought too

I have no doubt it was to boost sub numbers during a traditional drought period.

But it was also to:

a) experiment with different ideas the same way Plunderstorm was
b) give casual players that have no interest in season 4 something to do
c) give players a different, fun way to level alts in preparation for Warthin (because donā€™t let the negative nancys fool you, the whacked-out talents are a lot of fun!)

Because that wasnā€™t the goal.

The goal was to have a relaxed, casual mode where players could level up alts in preparation for Warthin in a fun, new way using whacked-out talents while accruing bronze so they can use to pick and choose from a myriad of old and new rewards available on vendors over a three month period.

The reasons we have this other narrative are:

a) Blizzard oversold the power portion of the mode

b) players looked at what was being done on the Public Testing Realm and took it as fact instead of being realistic and noting that it is a testing realm and there are always changes between that and the live version, typically nerfs to things that unbalance the game

c) players brought their ā€˜endgame is the real gameā€™ mentality into a mode created for leveling and is judging it according to those standards, either not realizing or not caring endgame play is not the point of the mode, therefore it is not where the optimum play is