Wasn't this supposed to be fun, fast and wild?

Farming frogs was not fun, but not being able to farm frogs is even less fun with the current state of this untested mess.


Lmao, wow.
What a mess. Meanwhile here I am doing acheivements/enjoying the quests for once and I just now realized how massively far I am behind now


I just ran ToT with a giga frog boosted priest and warlock who had over 2m hp and were doing Half a mil to a mil DPS on bosses. The priest said he sat at frogs for about 8 hours straight.

The next person behind them in dps was like 60k lol


Bruh lmao.
Here I am at 346 or so and doing 450k on council and thinking I’m doing well.

And this is apparently what the mouth-breathers want to preserve “fun”. Human beings acting like the bots you see in current expansions farming mats by AOEing one set of endless respawns 24/7. Some people have no interest in actually playing the game. They just want to “finish” (in their mind) whatever it is as quickly as possible. And then likely come here and complain about lack of content.


Bruh, Remix is not supposed to be the gap filler till TWW. Most people rather be playing s4 or cata, this is supposed to be a fun enjoyable OP romp with easy to obtain transmog and mount rewards, which is specifically what it was advertised as.

This is so far, the total opposite of what was advertised.

As it is, to get even a portion of the rewards, and participate in half the content, players will have to spend the ENTIRE three months on JUST REMIX.

Nobody wants to spend 3 months on a sluggish slow transmog farm and incredibly long GRIND.

And why is there always someone in the comments perfectly OK with something like Blizzard blatantly false advertising and nerfing 90% of the fun that was promised?

“Who cares if its a painful, unfun, long SLOG, you got 95 days to SLOG throughout! Turn that frown upside down”

Ridiculous logic


Yet, 90% of the comments I saw on here, twitter, reddit, youtube, trade chat, and wowhead discord was “quittnig retail once remix comes out”
If you see my above comment instead of not reading like a 3 year old, I said that if you play PTR, you automatically know 90% of this will not go live.

It’s not really their fault that blizzard made other methods of getting bronze, threads, and gems so absolutely terrible and upgrades so expensive. If there were better methods than abusing super spawns then people would do them. They did slightly boost cache bronze but honestly bronze wasn’t the biggest boon of the frog farm it was the sheer amount of threads you got. It takes a lot of threads… to get millions of HP.


Yeah I just looked at the upgrades, over a mil to get everything upgraded lmao.
Actually disgusting
Granted I’m not playing this to raid, but rather to just enjoy the scenery and zones.

Calling this event Timerunning is joke considering just how much of a slow grind everything is. I leveled up strictly by spamming heroic dungeons (as a healer with literal instant Qs at all times of day) and doing the quests and it took me around 20ish hours. I can level in retail in half that time.

This isn’t the most giga boosted frog person i’ve seen but this should give you an idea. Look at them and then look at me. He has double my int and stam lol https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/area-52/bigoljungy


it is fast and fun

ive bought literally 14 mounts over THREE days

this is a 90 day event

everyone complaining are being ridiculous

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How was farming frogs for hours on end fun exactly?

And? Those same people were literally saying they were taking a break to level characters and get prepared for TWW with multiple alts and new transmog. They were “quitting retail” for what was promised in PTR and advertising.

Nobody was quitting retail strictly for Remix , it was for getting characters ready and transmog that would end up on their retail servers, and everyone of those people expected it to be a simple, quick, and fun process. Not a long drugout slog.

Thats exactly why now the consensus is not “quitting retail for remix”, and instead “quitting remix, period.”

The cloak that you claim was “obviously not going to make it from PTR to live” was literally pictured, and advertised in blizzards own Remix release notes on the remix website page, at 325% bonus exp, and noted as being transferable to alts, both in EXP, AND Stats, all the way up until release of the event, and is STILL up if you search for the page with all the remix info. And not once did they ever say that the cloak specifically would be blatantly nerfed into uselessness.

What they advdrtised up until the last second without any changes, and made it throughout PTR, and what was finally released are 2 blatantly different visions.


I swear the final-pass devs are a bunch of sweatlords who feel personally affronted if people aren’t grinding Mythic content even in what was supposed to be a fun, fast, overpowered just-for-the-heck-of-it limited time mode.

I knew, as soon as I saw that raids were even going to be available, how this was going to go. Certain people in the developer team are still riding of their old glory days when they were elitist jerks, and if anyone got anything with even one drop less of sweat than they imagined that they had to put into it then it dEvAlUEs their aCcoMpLisHmEnTs.

I like don’t even blame it on the beancounters at this point, basic math could tell them that if people try something, get frustrated and dip it hurts their brand and doesn’t help retention. I think last-minute directives come down from the top who are personally offended if the sweat isn’t dripping from every corner of the game and people are able to just relax and have fun for a change.


Mop remix has a lot of potential, but I feel very misled. I was under the assumption that =mop remix would have insane leveling, but it just feels slow as hell. Sure, my cloak is only at 30% but seriously, this doesn’t feel fast at all.\

The transmog feels like a waste of time to buy but I’ll buy it anyways, I thought they were going to change it up a bit and make it look cool but it just doesn’t look good at all.


They are either trolls or just stupid - and neither worthy of debate.

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Fast and fun, now go do dailies every day for 3 months.


if i finish the event in a week then i can go and play other games.


the aftermath is the fun

right, like theres current content i want to play, and theres other things ill want to do. i dont want to be stuck on this for the next month or 2, ill burn out