Was Xe'ra good or evil?

Reading Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers, was one of the things that started me on my road from being a Catholic to the Atheist I am now.

As for Israel, which one are you asking about, the mythical state in the Bible or the modern one created as a dumping ground for the Jews that Europe and the United States didn’t want?

Do you really want to open a new can of worms with me about Gaza?

Tough luck. That would really be an eggregious abuse of this subforum, and such a discussion belongs in Off-Topic. I’m not stepping into that landmine here.

You just proved me right in more ways than one.

Did you call something in the Talmud mythical? That state is also in the Talmud and even the Qu’ran (but you single out the Bible, as usual).

All religions are myth to me. I certainly don’t believe in taking a supernatural tale as history. And again you perceive your Bible as being singled out only because of your determination to make this a hill you die on.

You, like many others, still single out the Bible when something you criticize or call a myth is also found elsewhere.

One needs to only look back at your comments and see how many times you only go after only the Bible and Christianity for things also found in other religions. I can break out the screenshots again (and I have enough even if you try to get this thread memory-holed).

Getting this thread locked won’t prove you right or silence those you disagree with.

I don’t single out the Bible. YOU DO. You’re the one who brings it up in discussion, You are the one who constantly attaches your religion to the squeaky clean fictional designed to be nonoffensive weaksauce that Blizzard created.

If you didn’t repeatedly bring this up, I wouldn’t be talking about it at all.

If I bury Christianity on this hill, it’s because you insist on dragging it here.

You only rant about Christian zealots while there’s plenty of non-Christian zealots too and make excuses for your double standard when called out (ie; ranting about the Christian right but not saying a word about Zionists or Jihadis beforehand until called out).

Either of us could just stop replying to the other, you know.

Put up or shutup… again. where are all of these non-Christian politicians and their policies that I should be calling out? And again, I’m limiting the discussion to American politics because that’s where I live and that’ whose laws I’m subject to.

Then why bring up Christians in Ancient Rome if you’re limiting this discussion to American politics?

You’re just so desperate to push your strawman argument against Christianity and the right-wing - which you often try to combine - that you keep moving the goalposts and spouting falsehoods against Christianity (not so much the right-wing). I’m expected to stick to American politics, but you can grasp all over the world for your examples, eh?

You’re the one who asked me to comment about Torahic books in the Bible. (Most Jews I’ve spoken to don’t consider their inclusion a compliment btw)

I provided historical context. The Bible was created in a series of meetings of the Council of Nice. However apparantly none of the three parts of the Christian God seemed to deem it worthy of their time as no mention is made of any input given by them when it came to book selection.

Actually I don’t. again my concern is mainly American politics because they directly affect me and mine.

True, and you’re the one who keeps moving the goalposts by saying “stick to America” whenever I have a counterargument from outside America to your arguments against Christianity.

Apart from the times when those who write it say God directed them? You probably have a pre-prepared excuse to dismiss it out of hand. What’s your criteria for credible evidence?

That’s because you’re employing deflection when one of your points is directly challenged to avoid answering it.

It’s a tactic of bad faith because you’re not here to defend the Talmud, the Koran, the I-Ching, or anything else but the religion that YOU have insisted is under direct attack by Blizzard. THAT is the topic you’ve erected your banner on and your real concern. Distracting by deflection is the tactic of a political hack, nothing more.

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Some of your criticisms can be applied to other religions and religious groups, but you never bring them up even in discussions where no-one’s brought up Christianity. That’s not deflecting. But your double standards, cherry-picking strawman arguments and moving the goalposts are the tactics of a hack.

As for the Bible - which can also apply to the Torah, Qu’ran and others - what’s your criteria for credible evidence?

Since you’re so fond of referring me, Do you want to remind the audience the reason WHY? I’ve stated it enough times that it should not have escaped your memory or your ability to back scroll.

And besides, i’m going go play some Wow.

That’s just an excuse you use for your prejudice, like a Klansman twisting US crime statistics against black people.

Sorry about that, I’ll try to keep on topic more in-future and also not let certain people’s rhetoric derail a thread. Do you have anything else to add about Xe’ra?

I think Xe’ra is a good character with wasted potential, just to serve as a stage for the rise of Illidan, whose actions could very well have come from the player character himself.

Unfortunately, Xe’ra cannot be analyzed separately from Illidan, as the character was created and developed only to serve as a basis for his return.

And we saw this happen again in Legion, Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands, with several characters being used just to serve as a basis for Sylvanas’ development.

Uther, for example, had a whole development after his death, simply to justify the division of the soul that would be heavily used in the future in favor of Sylvanas.

It is pointless to discuss these characters in isolation because they were not created or developed to stand on their own. They exist only to justify the existence or development of another character, who is the main character in that story being told.

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At the beginning of the thread, I don’t know why people were saying “She’s a cosmic being. She has no choice.” We all know A’dal had a different personality than Xe’ra, not that Blizzard is ever consistent.

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Yes. I like this.

All you have is dogwhistles and right wing jagon. That’s all your arguments are.

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Good point about several characters not existing in isolation. I don’t mind supporting characters, but it drags the story down when one character is sacrificed to prop up another. How would you discuss a character who’s been reduced to propping up another? This reminds me of Cataclysm and MoP where Tyrande was really thrown under the bus to prop up Furion and Varian respectively.

For me, the problem is they gave Xe’ra too big a role in the lore if she’s just there to prop up Illidan and wasted all those lore elements in a stunning display of bad writing that led to simplistic assessments of her. That was my point for this thread, despite what certain others said (or may say). They should’ve done better than making her Illidan’s jobber when they gave her such big parts in the lore (Prime Naaru, leading a Light army against the Burning Legion, discovering Argus’ world soul…). It doesn’t make Illidan look cool to kill her easily then, it’s just pretentious writing (that was well received mostly due to fans love of Illidan and/or dislike of Xe’ra) wasting plot elements that could’ve made a richer story for fans of all stripes.

To paraphrase Doness above, lack of consistency is another major problem in Blizzard’s writing. Regarding Xe’ra, parts of the story wanted to push her as a fanatic… but then she repeatedly makes compromises on matters related to her cause; compromise is the number one thing fanatics don’t do. She compromises about Alleria, she works with PCs who use Fel, Life or even Void without complaint to rescue Illidan, meaning the idea that she’s fanatical is undermined if not contradicted and refuted.

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Are you saving constructive, relevant posts for one thread and off-topic personal attacks and rants for here?

We can discuss the original topic properly despite what you said (otherwise you’re being at least as bad as you say I am).