Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

So…me as a bear dr00d, a panda monk and a DH took on Basikron, the world boss in Waking Shores and won.

I feel good about myself at the moment :stuck_out_tongue:


they have a team roughly double what they had in late BFA, which makes them the largest MMO dev team by like 50%. Most of that is to do expansions faster, but not surprised it has benefits for the live team too.


One of my posts got flagged today which is weird because I haven’t gotten a single flag in two months.

Things have been good. Peaceful.


Yuh, I saw that. It wasn’t even a naughty post or anything. It’s just very strange that all of a sudden, an innocuous post got flagged.

Like a cloud on the horizon, signalling a crapstorm is about to come around.


Do you know what post it was? I don’t even know which one it was.

Well, the thing about storms is you can ignore them. And I’m going to be better at ignoring storms.

I’ll let the mods sort it out. I don’t think I said anything naughty, lately they’ve just been deleting posts and leaving me alone so maybe that will persist.


I don’t, but it was very recent because it popped up in my quick reading of all the threads that got posts in them since I took a nap.

I’m’a try and find.

EDIT: I find.

Was Xe'ra good or evil? - #179 by Mithonic-wyrmrest-accord


Found it. Wierd. Other people in the thread said similar things but I was the only one singled out. Super wierd.


Meahwhile this comment is miraculously unflagged Was Xe'ra good or evil? - #175 by Thadeus-caelestrasz

It’s a mystery.

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J/K I do not tag true posts that is just rude.

I think sometimes people dislike it when you are honest, is all.


The only thing that might be on the “naughty, be careful” list is the whistle for puppy bit.

I had a post flagged and deleted this morning, but had been posted Sunday. At first I thought it was because of some questionable words, but then I realized that I usually get caught by the automated system for that, or on Monday if it’s a flag they want to review.

So clearly someone must have flagged it and had their offsite allies flag it.


I knew it was you! Foul play sir!


Ah so exnay on the puppen toot, got it. :rofl:



Based on the post you made Mithonic and my own experiences with politics… it was the reference to the non-left leaning of us.

They get super sensitive about being called out about anything yet expect to be free to make attacks…

Beyond that, hope nothing comes of it. It’s nice having your view on things around here.



Ok everyone, you are safe now. I have defeated Frack, the evil dragon is dead, and now I give you a night elf tree. I did this, me, just me, nobody but me, and I did this to keep Story Forums safe from fire dragon guys.

You are welcome.


Since that comment was comparing two similar displays of prejudice and not endorsing prejudice, there’s no rule breaking or reason to flag it.

Maybe you’re giving the non-leftists too little credit. Or giving the leftists too much.

Now that’s been addressed, anyone gotten Fyrakk’s legendary axe yet?

I’m so happy to be back!


Comparing the two posts… Thaddeus was on topic and discussing the thread. Ren’s post was just a shot across the bow, with no context or reference to the topic. Basically just : “you suck!”

Both posts skirt the line, but one is on topic while the other is just a pop-up attack. That is the major difference I see.

Maybe someone was offended at how she misspelled “jargon” as “jagon”

I would agree that both sides use “flagging” as a weapon. Personally, I only flag people who spam advertise You Tubers and streamers. I don’t flag for opinions or expression - even when directed at me.

But others will flat out flag you for disagreeing on Master Loot, much less politics.

You’re not wrong about the flagging. Personally, I flag people who spam advertisements or use mean-spirited (or dishonest) mockery. I don’t flag for disagreements (as it’s possible to express disagreement without using mockery) - even when directed against me.

I don’t even flag the mockery. It is all in good fun, as far as I am concerned.

I just flag spam adverts. The Threads that are like “Hey watch this video!” With no opinions of their own.

But people on these Forums will flag for anything. I got flagged for replying to a person too much in a Master Loot thread. It was clearly a back and forth - but the other person and his friends flagged me. The Mod over in GD was a real jerk at the time, and I disagreed with popular people.

I shed no tears when that Mod was quite publicly let go. Felt like he had something against me. I noticed a lot less forum action against me since his departure.