Was Xe'ra good or evil?

Why discuss it when you don’t want to? Alot of ppl here already tried that, already gave you not one or two but months worth of chances so you can explore more your way of thinking but you do got zealotry, you do got repetitive, you know that 9/10 threads you create are about the light, xe’ra or illidan. You have a personal vendetta against illidan for no other reason than you don’t like him or his image.
So why engage in good faith when you do not?
Not that it matters but you have lost any credibility to have a serious discussion when it come to these topics cuz you can’t get over your own self ideals. You can’t see past what you already set in stone as true.

I LOVE lady saylvanas windrunner, she my fave character together with illidan and you don’t see me creating threads after threads to say that she was done dirty and that we need to change that immediately cuz she is the main character of this whole franchise for about 7 years.
Cuz I know her time has passed, I know the reasons both ingame and real world, that led her to the end she got and I accepted that.

So why can’t you accept that the light in Warcraft can be good, can be bad, can have actors with their own agenda that really don’t care for mortals? Its is simple, nothing complicated.


This is a Xe’ra thread, not a Light thread. Honestly check my other threads. And your accusations are full of projection. :rofl:

Come on now, we all know you have an obession with Xe’ra/Illidan. It’s the most common topic you bring up, regardless of what’s being talked about :stuck_out_tongue:

He accused this of being a Light thread, I explained how it’s not one. Sloppy attempt to dogpile from you, Micah.

You having an obession with Xe’ra isn’t a dogpile, it’s a fact.

Get over yourself and drop the damn victim complex

Not what I was talking about. And it seems you have no more relevant arguments, just petty personal attacks. I pity you.

Every Thadeus thread is a Light thread.


Nobody can have a discussion with you, because than you become a child and start insulting people who disagree.

I pity you if anything.

As I said to your idol Mithonic/Renautus, you might want to look in a mirror when you say that.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”

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Listen bud. I know your obessed with her and it is a rather unhealthy obession of yours, but just because I get along with everyone but you, doesn’t you should put any idols before your own god :stuck_out_tongue:


Is Xe’ra good or evil? Personally, even if qe accept the fact that she was good overall, that doesn’t mean Illidan was wrong to kill her.

If a burglar breaks into your house to rob it to feed their children, and you shoot them, are you at fault?

Back to lying about me again, unsuprisingly. Before I put you back on the ignore list, anyone can check my forum and see the facts that disprove your lies;

Topics - Activity - Thadeus-caelestrasz - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

  • I’ve made 141 threads.

  • 27 were about the Light.

  • 3 were about Xe’ra specifically.

  • 13 were about Illidan.

Hardly every thread lol

Since Xe’ra died, you might want to stretch your analogy to “… you shoot them dead”. Are you at fault in that situation? Not sure. Depends on circumstance. That said, excessive force is a thing in self-defense law.


I merely shared an opinion. My opinion is that most if not all of your threads eventually derail into arguments about The Light/Xera/Illidan. This opinion seems to be in the majority.

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Your fondness for Sylvanas and Illidan explains a lot (to be fair, you’re right that Sylvanas was done dirty by the writers; one of whom - Afrasiabi, worst of the Cosby suite crew - also did Xe’ra dirty.)

This is a thinly veiled personal attack. I don’t think you realize how in bad faith your replies are.


Xe’ra’s entire story, especially the part where she revealed to us that all of Illidan’s bad acts were necessary to get him to the moment when he would fulfill the prophecy, all of this could have been written better. However, Xe’ra was depicted admonishing the player character and taking a less than endearing stance.

Blizzard purposely wanted us not to like her, because soon after she would have to be defeated by Illidan and this would have to cause a feeling of relief and celebration in the players.

With that in mind, I myself cannot see Xe’ra’s actions that I consider bad and objectionable as a demerit of her, but as a demerit of the bad writing about her.

Blizzard wanted to get from point A to B as quickly as possible, and to do so they sacrificed a character’s potential.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Personally, I think some fans overreacted - I remember when people were speculating back when Legion was current content Xe’ra was a puppet or trick by Kil’jaeden because the mere idea of Illidan being a Champion of Light triggered them (I personally could’ve gone either way on that idea). They also gave her a few traits that didn’t fit a throwaway character or punching bag.

People not liking Xe’ra wasn’t a testament to Blizzard’s skill. It was dumb luck due to the writers shoehorning her in direct opposition to Illidan, a long-running character and anti-heroic face of the expansion, leading to her clumsy edgelord jobbing to be seen as some heroic triumph (and because killing your allies’ leader while in enemy territory is an absolute tactical genius move and not stupidly doing the enemy’s dirty work for them :smirk:).

Plus, there was a mountain of fanservice obscuring the plot holes.

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You missed the point ( as usual) of my example of Sylvanas and Illidan.
And are being disingenuous.
Have a good day mister Xe’ratul

Xe’ra really has this military characteristic. As a result, most of their actions may very well be justified due to their position of power and lifestyle.