Was Xe'ra good or evil?

Keep it. I don’t want your fake forgivness

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You are the one who creates these threads. You are the one who insisting on bringing your real world religion into the discussion of a fantasy cosmology and you are the one who insisted on making it personal.

You singled yourself out when YOU started this.

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If you said that about any other religion, the mods would shut you down.

If Christianity actually was the boogeyman you pretend it is, you’d be too scared to mock it and the mods would shut you down if you did.

Some of you have run out of arguments, so you just use petty personal attacks.

Report me… you’ll probably succeed in getting my posts shut down and even banned from these forums.

Blizzard doesn’t like ANY stirring of the pot.

I didn’t bring up real-life religion in this threads, Lateef did, and you’re trying to fan the flames.

Got anything relevant to add, or just more petty quote mines and personal attacks?

You brought it up way back when when you created the first threads in this theme.
You wihout fail, constantly replay that song with every thread you make.

Own up.

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Eh. It’s not a great look.

Revendreth, as a collective, had no say in the creation or use of the Nathrezim.
They were made by Denathrius. He’s the one who gave them purpose and directive.
Even if the Venthyr disagreed with it, they had no grounds to actually do anything about it.

When the Naaru came, Denathrius didn’t suffer. The Nathrezim didn’t suffer. But everyone else did.
In their righteous invasion, the Naaru didn’t actually hurt anyone responsible for the crime they came to punish.
At the end of the day, the only thing the Naaru accomplished was killing countless Stoneborn and others. And, ironically, the Light-blasted area they created would go on to be used by Denathrius as a tool to further consolidate power and punish people.

The Naaru’s cause to invade might have been justified, but their means of doing so ultimately didn’t punish the one responsible and hurt/killed countless others who weren’t involved.


I partially agree.

On one hand, it’s true that Denathrius exploited that Light-scorched area to hurt others, and many were hurt by it who weren’t involved the conflict.

On the other hand, Ember Ward was the only part of Revendreth the Naaru scoured with the Light. According to Prince Rena’thal, before it’s destruction that area was the Nathrezim’s home.

Because of the Naaru’s counterinvasion, Denathrius was forced to banish the Nathrezim to save his reputation (the Stonewright blamed him for the death of so many Stoneborn after she figured out his actions had provoked the Naaru’s attack), so it did hurt him in way (and more directly when he was imprisoned there during Shadowlands). Plus, the Naaru may have left the searing rays of Light, but it was Denathrius who forced Venthyr into it, so that’s more his fault than theirs.

Do you think Xe’ra knew about the Nathrezim and the Ember Ward? She could read minds, and Lothraxion spent awhile in her company. And with the Burning Legion alone she already had extensive experience with the Nathrezim as enemies, which raises the question of why she’d accept the services of one.

Wrong, and if true, that only means you and others are at least as bad as you say I am.

Nobody’s run out of arguments, Thad.

When people stop putting effort into having any kind of conversation with you, it’s because you’ve gone full bull-headed and already resorted to personal attacks, willful misinterpretation of others’ words, incorrectly labelling others’ posts with logical fallacies you clearly don’t understand and ferequently use yourself, and resort to cyclical arguments that you think back themselves up, but in actuallity break themselves apart.

It isn’t that we can’t argue with a stone. It’s that we realize we are arguing with a stone.

How Drahl can keep going at this with you is a testament to her stubborn fortitude and unshakable iron will, and frankly should be looked at as a badge of honor.

Drahliana, we salute you.


More than once I am being dragged into the mud of generality. This type of argument has my personal contempt.

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Wrong, plus, you and Drah ran out of arguments long ago and are just using petty personal attacks now lol

So when I do it I’m being a stone, but when Drah does it it’s “stubborn fortitude and unshakable iron will”? What an emotional double standard.

I know right. Imagine what it’s like repeatedly being on the receiving end of such.

Still waiting for you to tell me the insult I supposedly gave you.

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See? A cyclical argument that you think will back itself up, but really serves to break itself down.

How am I wrong, Thad? How am I wrong about why people stop engaging with you? How would you know if I’m wrong? Are you psychic now?

She did not. You just stopped responding to arguments with anything but more toxic bullcrap. Again. Because it’s what you always do.

I keep trying to have an honest discussion with you, and time after time, you break the entire process down to false accusations, unsourced non-facts, confirmation bias to back up your own confirmations, and turning a blind eye to any and all contrary evidence.

When people stop engaging with that, it isn’t because they’ve ran out of arguments. It’s that you stopped responding to reality and started attacking the boogymen in your mind.

You have this talent for never taking responsibility for the insults you throw at others and being the problem

It’s pathetic how you clutch to your victim complex like it’s a badge of honor. It’s pathetic

I’ve been a firm believer in live and let live and for far too long, I wa of the opinion that the ranting of Christian zealots could be safely ignored, that with all the myriad faults of our culture that it’s inherent resillience would be a sufficient safeguard.

But despite being around since the beginning of Arpanet, I along with many others foolishly failed to account how heavy a hammer the Internet was in driving the spike of fear, hatred, and bigotry and we will all pay the price for our slipped guard when this nation like so many Democracies before it, votes a tyrant into office because of that package of fear, hatred, and bigotry…

It’s a civic duty not let those voices go unchallenged.

It’s not an honor.

It’s a pennance.

But thanks anyway.

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In the short time I’ve been here, I’ve seen a lot of deviations from the topic with unnecessary personal attacks.

Education and good coexistence are such important things for us, especially around here, as it is the place to talk about the history of WoW that we love so much.

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That’s why it’s the current battleground of the culture war. The Right are looking not only to rewrite history, but the textbooks as well. We have never been as a culture in as great a peril as we are now.

I don’t think this is the appropriate place for this type of discussion. If we have nothing more to add regarding the topic of the topic, just avoid it.

This is one of the attitudes that encompass the “good coexistence” that I referred to.

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Your virtue signalling is crazy. You’ve made such a strawman of Christianity in your mind you think it’s okay to lie about because you’ve drank your own kool aid.

You know Christianity has roots in Judaism, so attacks on Christianity can also get Judaism too (the Jewish Torah and the first five books of the Bible are the same). What do you think of Judaism? Or are you only singling out Christianity with criticisms that apply to every group including the non-religious because you think you can get away with it here?

What it’s going to be? More anti-Christian bigotry or will you take the coward’s way out and abandon thread?

I want WoW to succeed, but there’s some issues with writing that need to be dealt with.

Drah has drank so much of the anti-Christianity kool aid, she’s warped it into a monstrous threat with little resemblance to the real thing, like a Klansman’s view of black people.

To the point of calling hate speech “taking a stand” and projecting (and also conflating Christianity with the right-wing when there’s plenty of non-right-wing Christians).

But to try and get things back on topic, anything else about Xe’ra come to mind? There’s still a few bits of lore around her.

Where exactly are all those Torah wielding rabbinical politicians looking to impose their beliefs into law? It was Jewish speakers that rose to the defense of Roe Vs. Wade and the rights of women to their own bodies. Jews by and large believe that their faith is for them alone… they don’t evangelize. they certainly do not desire to impose their Law among others as they believe that the One has a separate agenda for them and they are content not to know what it is.

Your ignorance of the Abrahamic religions is appalling. Judaism has much less in common with Christanity as opposed to Islam. Like the latter they don’t slice their diety into three parts,one of which has almost no consequence of an existence.

The fact that the Old Testament and the Torah share books is no surprise. In the beginning before Paul kicked out all of the Nazarene Jews, Christianity was just another Hebrew mystery cult a rather popular fashion item among haute culture Romans looking for more sophisticated religions than the gods they’d lifted from the Classical Greeks which were starting to look rather shalllow and quaint.

The Bible was a committee effort in the third century so it’s no surprise that it drew from a variety of sources.

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Your ignorance of history is staggering.

So what do you think of the Book of Leviticus? Or the nation of Israel? Because some of your criticisms…

But no, you’ll take the coward’s route by either going after only Christianity, even when others do the same actions you single out Christians for, because you think you can get away with it… or abandoning the thread.