Was Wow your first game?

I actually never finished that. I got to the quest where the lady main character got poisoned, did it, and was just…disinterested.

I think I needed to put more time into it.

Oh gosh. Umm … my earliest memory is the Atari arcade game Pole Position. I must’ve been about 2 or 3? I remember my dad holding me up so I could steer. Haha great memory. My mom got me into gaming when I was about 4, when the NES first came out (back in '85). We would sit on the floor and game for hours. I’ve been pretty much daily gaming ever since.

As for my first online mmo, that would be Star War Galaxies.

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In some ways I was EMO before it was a thing and I loved the desert theme

:ocean: :milky_way: :small_red_triangle: :ocean: :milky_way: :small_red_triangle:

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Gaming period?

If thats the case then it was that cartridge that had mario and duck hunt. I do remember having a sega genesis and playing Sonic Spinball on it. But I think by the time the playstation came out I was focusing on that along with playing N64 games with Mom. ( Mario Kart 64, Snowboard Kids 1 and 2. She also played Dr Mario )

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Along with my master system i also had an atari, though there are great known titles for it that people enjoyed on it. I loved games like cops and robbers and kangaroo lol

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Oof, that was a crazy game. Timing the jumps especially the final stage. Sonic CD was my favorite with all the time travel.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

It was probably some game on the NES, SNES or Genesis. Maybe a game on PC, although probably not.

Oh wait it wasnt cops and robbers even though that was a good one it was actually called keystone kapers, it just popped into my head, same concepts. lol

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Nope, my first blizzard game was the original Diablo.
First game was pong

Oh heavens no. I started on the Atari 2600 I believe. Lots of arcade time as well. First MMO was Everquest.


Me and my dad put a ton of time in the PS1 Diablo port. I remember being yelled at to pick up gold. Well, not YELLED. Heavily encouraged.

I liked that port because it has a ‘fast’ speed option. There’s a source port that adds something similar now but back in the day you couldn’t do that.

Super Mario / Duck Hunt I guess, the game combo that the NES shipped with.

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StarCraft 1 was my first Blizzard game. I absolutely loved Terran.

Seeing buildings fly. Gathering resources. Fog of War. Fighting the Zerg. Hoping the Protoss could be my friend.

Then I branched off into WC1 and 2. Clicking on units over and over and making them angry was just pure gold

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Oh man … brings me back, lol. I didn’t have an Atari but I did play on my friend’s console. I missed out on the Sega Master System but I did have the Genesis. Still do! I have all my original consoles.

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Yeah I never got far, still had fun. The music was fun too. But cmon its a sonic game. Of course it sounds good.


( the fact this song was in Sonic Generations was great lol. I love that games soundtrack )

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Nah, I built a computer in '98 or '99 to play Doom. I was obsessed with that game. Then in mid '99 I saw an ad in a magazine about a new thing, an MMORPG called Asheron’s Call and that November I was lured into that vortex (cool effect) and never really emerged. I am still there in my mind, deep down in the core of it. They should have released the private server programming like they promised.

I still have most of mine even the atari, though the thing for the t.v with the prongs broke. that thing was a pain. i have over 100 NES games in my collection.

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I get really salty with Sonic Spinball. Especially the last level where if you fall you better get real darn comfortable reclimbing the whole friggin’ thing again.

The Options theme still rings with me.

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Least Sonic Generations exists to soothe that saltiness

Oh cmon ya’ll know the words

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I’m looking forward to the FF tactics remake, the original one. Not the Lion War remake

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