Was Wow your first game?

Ever play “Omega Race” on C-64? That was a fun game. Port of an arcade game that was even more fun.


That is legit one of my fav games of all time. I still have my original copy somewhere and the guide book.

It is my favorite of all time. and when i played ff14. I sqweed with joy when I stepped into the ivalice raids.

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Doctor Mario for the NES here. Still at it over 3 decades later. :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean that was the joy of Sim City as well, build up your city, save it, then use a bunch of disasters on it lol.


My roommate in college couldn’t beat the game, but I couldn’t beat Sonic Adventure 2.

Just like he could not do the old Donkey Kong, but helped me with DK64

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Oh yes, as soon as the music started it was like being back on the Commadore again, didn’t play the arcade version though.

I can sing this one

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I’m not sure on my exact first game. Mom had got an Atari VCS/2600 in 1980, and my dad bought a roughly-used cocktail cabinet of the 1980 Centuri-distributed arcade game Phoenix in the early 80s (the development truth of this game is messy but was published by Taito in Japan and Centuri/Amstar in the US…developers could be Tehkan (aka Tecmo)/Kawa Denshi/Amstar/Centuri/Toei/Hertz Co./Hiraoka/Sunsoft/Tose/Taito though most likely Tehkan/Tecmo given they developed the semi-sequel Pleiades).

Dad also had a TI-99/4A and Timex Sinclair 2068 in the early 80s. So, I’m not sure what game I played first. It was likely Phoenix, either that cracked-top cocktail cabinet or the Phoenix port to the 2600, which we also had. I want to point out that port because it’s one of the best ports to the system during the commercial lifespan of the 2600. It was ported by GCC (creators of Pac-Man arcade hacks Crazy-Otto/Ms.Pac-Man and the Atari 7800) and is up there in quality along with their ports of Ms. Pac-Man and Galaxian to the 2600. Plus, it’s got some of the best box/cart-label art of all time, IMO.
Phoenix 2600

Being born in '82, it’s possible I played some other games mom had for the 2600 first (I loved Sky Diver, Galaxian, Ms. Pac-Man, and even the not-Pac-Man Pac-Man because I thought it was fun and hadn’t played the arcade game until later in the 80s) or maybe one of the couple of games dad had for the TI-99 (I remember really enjoyed playing M*A*S*H on it).

The first system I had of my own was a NES I got for my birthday in '88 though I played my uncle’s before then, and he rented quite a few games when we would visit that I never did own later: Tiger Heli, Athena, Kung-Fu, probably others. The first system I bought was a Sega logo Genesis in late summer '93 by saving up birthday money and some “get well soon” type money I got when I spent 83 days in the hospital…and I bought it 99% in preparation to buy Mortal Kombat after Mortal Monday…also, I just needed something really fun after the spring I had.

Phoenix remains one of my top-3 favorite games ([arcade] since I mentioned MK: MK2 is also on of my top-3 favorites of all time though MK1 is much farther down the list…it holds some good memories though).


Dungeon and Dragon 2nd edition and old school NES jrpgs like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy guided me to WoW!

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My first game was Reader Rabbit back at preschool


Reminds me of times where I helped out my cousin with Resident Evil puzzles. I remember one time I just guessed a number combination and it worked lol.

Or quite awhile ago mom was playing one of the newer Donkey Kong games and she had to ask me for help with a barrel timing thing she was struggling with. Normally she’s really good at those but this one kept beating her lol.

Kid me meanwhile struggled SO MUCH with the biolizard boss fight. Getting to the final boss fight after that felt so cathartic ( before I then proceeded to bawl like a baby over Shadow )

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My games aside from WOW
Age of empires
Warcraft 1,2,3
Quake 1,2,3
Unreal Tournament
Half life old and new
Before Quake I played trade wars and action chat dialing up hundreds of BBS’s all across USA

I forgot to add:
MDK 1 and 2
In between BBS dial up and Quake I played on my Amiga 500

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YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOW that just unlocked a memory for me. I played a lot of those


The artwork of pheonix reminds me of Joust for the Atari

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Yeah, long story on that one. Let’s just say my parents weren’t thrilled with my purchase

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

So my mom boufgt a Jaguar for me and games like doom and wolfenstein. Lets say she was less then happy when she walked in on me killing germans (cant use the other word on the forums) lol

Maxis Games like Simcity 2000k, Simtown, SimSafari, SimTower, The Sims, and i think Simcopter at some point.

And i think for the Playstation 1…

  • Spyro and Tony hawk, though i was pretty bad at video games back then and my father always had to help until i know how to do them better. Thanks dad. :slight_smile:
  • Need for Speed High Stakes.
  • Resident Evil 2, i didn’t play because it was scary. :grimacing:
  • I remember there being some sort of fast paced 3D submarine shooter kind of game that was wicked hard for me back in the day. The name really escapes me since you can also surface as well, and if you die, the entire earth sorta explodes or turns into a fireball
  • And i also remember a game with a fixed camera with robots kind of like Resident Evil. Can’t ever figure out how to get past that, nor know the name here.

Oh. I’m sorry.

( joking. That system was just twitchy lol )

Steve Jackson’s The Fantasy Trip was my first pen and paper role-playing game. Quickly moved to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition pen and paper. First video game was Master of Orion a MS-DOS game.

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