Was Wow your first game?

Super spreader FTW

We also played a lot of Double Dragon

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I played a lot of Scorched Earth on my dadā€™s work computer

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


All of the aboveā€¦ I still have boxes of old modules and boxes. I even have the old Arduin Grimoire and I think I have the second one as well. Yes, I am a book packrat lol.


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First online MMO that got me hooked was Maple Story. I refused to play WoW back in the day it was so ugly & Maple Story was so cutesy. Transmogs has made WoW way more tolerable but man the gear in this game can be so awful looking.

Graal. Zelda snes ripoff clone

EverQuest, 2001.

I should be. I canā€™t even count the number of times I pick up a book from a thrift sale or the library get several chapters in and realize Iā€™ve already read it.

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It was this bizzare little number

The spriggans scared the crap out of me . . .


I got an atari 2600 brand new when released as a kid soā€¦no. When I was young we didnā€™t lose remotes. you as the kidā€¦were the remote control. Son, please go to channel 4.

TVā€™s had knobs to turn you see and kids were the channel changer lol.

MMO wise the most prevalant order of serious play was Warhammer online till it got bad 1-2 years in, then eve for 9 years then wow new start right about BFA start.

Why I support the classics kind of. Iā€™d like to see legion classic one day. I came at its last 3 weeks. Iā€™d like to see it in its more functional form lol.


PSO circa 2000 was my first MMO

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Alex the Kidd. My mother used to play it with me sitting in her lap all those years ago. I blame her for my gaming nonsense

Battlezone on the Commadore 64


Zelda was my first game, idk which one.

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There was something similar on my first mac/apple. it also had marios teaches typing and super munchers on it, i cant remember what it was called.

I remember KQ. but honestly i was really into HOMM at the time, i still have the giant manual with the lore in it too.

I drove myself crazy trying to beat KQ6

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

OH you know what game i miss playing Quest for Glory.

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Star Trek, Angband, and many other forgotten artifacts of the stone knives and bearskins era were my first games.

This reminds me of my favorite Sega CD game. The best 90s soundtrack outside of Klaxx

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

YASSSSSS, I loved that game.

Did you play Gorilla too?