Was Wow your first game?

Had an atari as a kid so anyone of those games, even tried the fabled/notorious E.T. As far as MMO , WoW was the one and only, funny looking back I was pissed when I heard after Warcraft 3 they were moving to an online sub based game. Back then the idea of continually paying to play a game you bought was an anathema to me. Then seen a buddy playing the vanilla beta and was instantly on board. Been playing ever since.


I have a lot of good memories of Sims 1 and all it’s DLCs.

…I…may have also intentionally started fires and trapped people inside.

Listen. It seemed fun when I was younger.


Ocarina of Time was my first game.

WoW was my first MMO though.

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are u asking me or telling me? your title is confusing.

absolutely couldn’t agree more. By far one of the best snes games ever made.

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At home? I started out on an Atari, with some of the very old games. Kept it around a good, long while too. Frogger legit helped me in Naxx lol. I don’t think I was in kindergarten yet, when I first started playing.

At school? It was some weird program called Rhubarb. I can’t even remember what it was about. I must have been 7 or 8 or something. This was in some fancy private school that had gotten in a bunch of computers, which was unheard of at the time for most schools.


My first ever game was probably Super Mario on NES, along with Battle City and Galaxian. They weren’t new back then, but it’s only what I got.

WoW was my first MMO though. I came to it through Diablo II & Warcraft II&III, because I loved the world and the idea of character leveling and gearing.

Diablo II was probably the first game which I felt I was actually actively focused on for a long time.

EverQuest about 8 months before WoW came out.

Lol yeah i remember some old tank/plane Atari shooter that use 7-8 big square pixels for your vehicles. and you shot a pixel square at your opponent

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Pitfall maybe? God it’s been so long. First online game, that I can remember, may have been Graal when it was still browser based. Well, I guess that depends on if you include IRC RPGs and/or MUDs.


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Adventure on the Atari 2600 was my first game. I was 24 when WoW came out so it was far from the first.


My first game

:dragon: :european_castle: :bow_and_arrow: :dragon: :european_castle: :bow_and_arrow:


I was always fascinated with Mario 64 and Rush 2 when I was younger but WoW probably was my first game I was fully invested in. I remember I made an orc hunter named “Pighunter” and just grinded the same spot in the Barrens for days and thought I was a pro. How naive I was then.

No. For me it was probably the old gold box D&D games. Then came the original Baldur’s Gate series. For online stuff, the first was Neverwinter Nights 1, specifically playing and eventually running a persistent world (sort of a mini mmo). After that came City of Heroes and WoW, then FFXIV. The Dragon Age games are mixed in there somewhere too.


My first game was Pokemon Silver version on the Gameboy Color.


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No, like most kids that grew up in the 80’s and 90s my first game was Oregon Trail.


You can get these on Steam now! I have them all :smiley:


Duckhunt/mario cartridge