Most people will not spend more time than they need to.
That’s all I said.
Never said they won’t raid.
what on earth
Now you’re speaking for most people.
You really are Red.
I’m speaking in statistics.
Most people only read a book once.
It’s just the nature of things.
Except the stats are made up in your head
I do remember people going over it long ago, and you’re not worth my time to go look back and compare those numbers.
I think it’s bad faith to think that most players clears algalon twice a week. When you’re playing in a top 1-5% guild, on the biggest alliance US server with probably the most GDKPs. GDKPs that are nearly non-existent on smaller servers compared to the amount of guild groups.
The GDKPs on those smaller servers that are killing algalon are primarily alts of the people in the guilds from that server that are also killing algalon.
You’re proving my point for me.
This literally proves my point.
My server has the largest pool of players and the most gdkps where almost all gdkps are alts of people clearing more than 1 time per week, since the majority of people who run gdkps do it on alts and they have a main they raid with in their guild, just like me.
You’re so stubborn you prolly still won’t accept the fact that you proved my point
Your world is small.
That’s only the amount of raiders. And yes it’s not close to a majority, so yes it’s a small amount.
Not really, as only a small part of players play multiple alts and even less raids on them. Split runs were never popular. And there is a good enough population of people clearing that the small amount of people clearing multiple times won’t affect it too much.
Yes the same people that play multiple alts. Not the same the same people that just normally clear the raid and only play one character with their guild.
GDKPs are still a minority of a minority thing. That the majority of people that run GDKPs run them on alts just prove my point. As not many people play on their alts or play alts at all.
A small amount is 30% of a playerbase. The majority within that small amount is consisting of pretty much the same individuals on multiple alts. I know a medium server where one organization of a few gdkp organizations that hold 10+ gdkps a week and the majority of their rosters are the same people every week
My guild hosts around 25 a week
Yeah i have no doubt, if its the same structure on a medium server its going to only be larger when you get into the high and full population servers.
Low servers arent really killing algalon and if they are its the same 1-2 guilds doing it every week, meaning its the same people there too.
Its honestly crazy how blind you are to whats going on around you. People have been raiding on multiple alts every week since classic vanilla
I haven’t denied that. I deny that it’s a majority of people.
My current guess is that less than 30% of people have raided on an alt out of people that have killed Algalon on their main.
And that less than 30% who raid on their alt have killed Algalon with it.
The argument is that the majority of people killing algalon is the same people, which it is. Id be generous on saying that 10% of the people killing Algalon are doing so on one toon
It never historically has been so high. So I have doubt to say it would around to half the population clearing it. It would be very high if even 25% of Algalon kills were done on alts.
Gdkps also haven’t been as high.
Don’t matter anyway you can’t ever be wrong.
You’re Reds twin.
I don’t know why you feel the need to demean people each time to try to “win” an artificial prize. Or even to keep rolling in the mud with Red, which seems pretty much obsessive and harassment at this point.
I think it’s statistically very hard to hit 25% of Algalon kills on alts. I have a high level of doubt that this could ever happen. We don’t really have numbers both for this, but sure it might be “possible”. I don’t think it’s probable considering what I know. And you’re free to disagree with that.
I dunno why its so hard for you to see it when its happening right in front of you every week.
Theres atleast 50 people i know of in GDKPs that are killing algalon every week on multiple toons and thats just one discord group on a medium server
50 people is a small numbers.
At best GDKPs are equivalents to sales/boost runs.