Raider io will distroy dungeons. I have it on retail.
Good luck getting into a non GDKP Naxx as a sub 4k GS DPS.
Theres barely any GDKPs on my server anyway. If you choose to go mega servers but hate gdkps you made your choice.
I’ve been on Grobbulus since day one of Classic launch, and it certainly wasn’t a mega server back then.
You told us you made a new character.
Dang, it’s almost like logs have zero relevance to this conversation.
Sure they do he’s the one who brought up mechanics…
If he can’t even do raid mechanics why would he be able to do dungeon mechanics?
On a server I already play on. Only difference is my paladin is Horde instead of Alliance.
It doesn’t change that it’s a new character, so you had the choice of the server and faction.
You made the choice.
Solution: Join a guild. Do guild runs.
What I find funny is most people make suggestions based on being a dps and on a mega server… what about tanking? Hmm? Going to suggest tanks go into WG and get pvp gear? There is 1 pre-raid BiS item for warrior tanks in Wintergrasp which is the chest for phase 2 because it has hit and 2 gem slots which you would put defense in and it had 150 stam. Ok… what now? My belt and boots are already higher, helm I already have and no trinkets actually help out.
So what does a tank do at this point. In phase 3 normal and heroic ToC dungeon runs are good specially for at least 1 tank trinket. How do I get emblems for another ring or the cloak? The pre-raid BiS for phase 2 was coming from H+… but you cant get into H+ without a better gear score than what H+ gives.
I definitely cant game the system to increase GS through pvp because there would be no avoidance on it. and hit and expertise would be low as well. I would be worse off if I actually got pvp gear than I am right now outside of that 1 WG item.
Pvp gear will do fine for dungeons. You are not expected to do masspulls in h+ so unless you make mistakes by overpulling you will do fine. If you want to know the best tank gear for dungeons early on are more threat oriented gear. So try to be hitcap and get a greatness card.
Funny, my paladin leveled her last few levels in AV and between BoEs, PVP gear and the few measly badges I’d gotten from quests, I did not have 4000 gs. I’m sitting around 3.8k.
I need a shield, trinkets, and jewelry. Since everything I need is also sold on the heroism vendor and valor vendor, I get to run heroics til I puke.
If there’s groups.
Shouldn’t be an issue. She’s a healer.
This may have been said above, but going from my personal experience, the best bet is to always make your own groups and whisper people before inviting. I decline requests to join or invites from people who don’t send a message, and since doing that, I’d say only 1/10 groups I join are unpleasant/judgemental or fail to complete the H+ compared to probably half before.
I’ve been taking my fresh 80s to dungeons and doing busy work like focusing mirror images in Violet Hold, Nexus, Oculus & holy watering in Culling of Stratholme for initial gearing. My resto shaman went straight into HoL H+ cus that nature resist totem made the damage muuuuch lower (you can just eat Loken’s nova on H+ if you have 15k hp and a nature res totem/hunter aspect)
Heh… I brought this up to a friend of mine that was struggling in H+ HoL and soon as she started dropping NR totem it was like, amazing how much easier it was to survive.
You’re lazy. I hit 4.4gs with a couple BOEs and all the pvp gear on a ret… have you heard of Wintergrasp?
The hell you filling jewelry and trinket slots with?
I couldn’t break 4k with mine and boes/pvp gear. She needs shield(the badge one is better so I’m waiting on it) and jewelry.
I’m out of gold so buying more stuff is out of the question but I’m waiting on a guild crafter for a ring.
Then H+ doesnt warrant 4k GS, or it does and tanks should have defensives on their gear. So which is it?
This is why i have a hard time believing anyone on these forums. Its either super easy where you just need level 78 blues no defense, no avoidance just some hit on your gear for threat. Resi can make a tabk crit immune, but other than that its the worst possible build you can do. Warriors get rage from avoidance which in turn increases your threat generation, paladins get mana back from it allowing for more threat to be generated, DKs gain access to rune strike when dodging or parrying which in turn increases the threat they generate.
All of my characters are 4.5k and above, I refuse to sandbag when it’s so easy to get 4.1k gear score on the AH
I got everything I could for my role from the AH and I havent even came close to 4.1k gs. Im also not spending a whole lot in order to catch up so no 20k shields or anything like that.