Was told 3.6K GS was too low for H+ on my ret pally

This forum is filled with people who claim they do full HM runs of 25 man ULD with 10 people on one hand, and people who want Heroic UP nerfed on the other. I just come here for the laughs every now and then

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how are you possibly still 3.6 after 24+ H+ dungeons?

unless you are the unluckiest person alive you are full of it

The issue is that he got told he “isnt high enough” which is just insane. If people want 4.4K+ DPS they can just say so but dont spew idiotic crap that isnt true.

I had so many DPS telling me they got “low GS” when asked for H+ and they were over 4K already I mean its mind boggling.

On the other hand I had so many high GS people (4.7-5K+) which were simply atrocious with bad DPS, next to no situational awareness and couldnt for the life of them assist or support tank/healer.

thats easy, i did about 6 ToC normal dungeon runs and got 1 item, the rest were duplicate drops or something that of no benefit. Different items have different drop rates so its easy to go that many runs with no upgrades even if an item does drop for your role.

Pally is now 4k, but for a long time I wasn’t getting any plate DPS drops.

I mean lot of people will see their time as valuable and you might as well not be considered “viable” if you’re gonna slow down the run. Yes I’ve left runs after the first pull when I saw terrible groups even with decent gs.

It’s more a question of speed. You can take 2 hours to clear if you want.

It’s not that pvp gear is optimal, that was never what I implied. But having a couple pieces can still help over blues. And for a valuable stat like hit rating they’re really good early on even for tanks, if you can’t hit your taunt or your abilities when engaging a pack that often means a dps will die. Threat in dungeon is the most valuable ability of a tank and avoidance is not the best way to build threat even if it can help. I’d rather a tank do smaller pulls and can keep control of the mobs than try to do big pulls but can’t hold anything.

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