Good for them, I guess?
It’s H+… if the player knows the mechanics, GS is secondary. I do admit H+ is more difficult than Naxx but is that really worth gatekeeping?
Most of the affixes are just obnoxious so yeah over gearing and skipping as much as possible are the way to go.
Ya skipping content when your overgeared is normal, but op is arguing for the skips while undergeared, H+ regardless of opinion was not intended as a gear catch up mechanic, it was to keep content difficulty relevant in regards to dungeon replay value, It was meant as a way for raid geared players to fill in gear gaps due to new content making old content obsolete, they rescaled ulduar gear and togc gear is not as big an upgrade with bis pieces still needed from ulduar. ALL of this was done to try and prevent togc from negating viability of continued running of ulduar, h++ will be the same, fill in not catchup. Number one complaint about raids in wrath was the minute togc dropped no one ran ulduar because of gear lvl disparity between phases.
Right so it was meant to be a catchup, just not for fresh 80’s.
As for keeping the content relevant, H+ fails miserably at that because in practice what people do is just run the daily which is exactly what they would have done anyways. Ironically because it gives more badges people actually use it up faster than they would have otherwise.
The complaints about ToC replacing Ulduar originally were because ToC was just such a weak raid.
And H++ will have the exact same problem as H+. People will still just do the daily. Some people might do H+ WT on the first day to get the ulduar 10 HM loot they wanted but that’ll be over real quick. Just like with T7 raids, ulduar will generally be a better option than doing H++ for actual gear.
Your point, what is intended and what is practiced usually dont match, take speed limit signs for example, There should be no reason for speed bumps if peeps obeyed the law but like op there are always gonna be those that justify their speeding as necessary and that they were in control and that the limit only applies to others.
But do they? The speed limit signs should be enough, but alas even with speed bumps people still speed over them. So they double them up or make speed tables. Lol, its just a metaphoric example to illustrate my point, to debate speed bumps at this point is just lame and idiotic, But I guess for someone that trolled the forums for months in tbc crying about dual spec and rdf its just normal behavior. Seriously? Your like the forums official troll mascot.
Sure, maybe your honda accord but what about suvs and trucks. By the way thank you for proving my point, speed limit signs are intended to slow pople down to approved speeds, yet speed bumps are needed to force them to comply. Dont forget were talking about what speed limit signs were intended for not speed bumps. GS is the speed limit, gatekeeping is the speed bump.
Ya know, night elves are like secret antiperspirant, strong enough for a man but made for a woman, seriously though they did a poll at hello kitty island and 9 out ten tween girls said they would roll a night elf druid.