Was told 3.6K GS was too low for H+ on my ret pally

Rdf/lfd wouldnt apply to H+, it also is bassically an automated gear score gatekeeper and just looks at role and gearscore then put 5 randoms in a group. When cata dropped in vanilla Rdf was a clustercluck of undergeared healers running oom in the new dungeons cause blizz shifted metas to emphasize mp5 vs endless mana pools and healers and tanks thought they could just tank n spank like in wrath, eventually they had to nerf the dungeons and institute all sorts of lfd fixes to combat the growing toxic culture of consequence free grouping .

“like you” as in not doing dungeons or raids to get Naxx level gear.
Pretty sure that’s accurate, given you said you did zero dungeons.
And frankly, I prefer toons in 3k gear who know their class (not soloing) than 4k gear who soloed their way to that GS.

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It would help with pretty much everything else and help folks catch up so their GS is “acceptable” for H+ at least.
Then again… if folks are demanding 4k for H+ then it’s a moot point. I feel for folks who are starting their main late. Alts have it rough enough as it is and can’t imagine the nightmare of trying to join in this late in the game on your main.

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lol at the current state of wow
Players fighting among each other while blizzard is just watching and milking money.

neither the players nor the company cares for having a proper game, it’s just all about rmt

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Imagine demanding people spend hundreds or thousands of gold just to run dungeons that drop gear from last tier. :clown_face: :earth_americas:

I convinced a friend to play and we started alts (though, I guess they are working on a main) and I worry what we’re gonna do once we hit 80.

I’ve raided Naxx on my main and got more or less everything to be at an acceptable level, but I haven’t played on that main since December and only recently came back. It’s hilarious to think that even my main would probably not even be allowed in H+ groups because I never stepped foot into Ulduar. In content that awards Naxx 10 gear, gear I don’t need.

it’s nearly impossible for new players to start now unless they buy gold i mean tokens xD

but tbh it depend on their class & server.
some specs are always welcomed despite gear

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Leatherworking here, I crafted Windripper Leggings for me back when I was on Skyfury and it was fairly cheap. I think when it was at its most expensive it was 300g, (though, it never sold because why spend that much for gear you don’t even need to clear naxx lmao) now that skyfury died I took free transfer to Whitemane, they’re like 700g here.

I cannot imagine dropping 700g on every gearslot just to go into content that rewards gear worse than what you spend everything on.

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Gearscore was a bad idea when they implemented it in the OG Wrath Dungeon finder, and it was still bad when they brought it back for Wrath Classic.

I remember when gear had shown item levels, which more or less negated the need for GS, but without that people are just forced to get GS addon because people always ask and require a minimum.

So if it’s gonna be a thing no matter what, might as well be a baseline in game thing rather than something people need to get an addon for.

In content that awards Naxx 10 gear and conquest badges which can be used to buy 232 filler gear (most of which is probably bad anyways), 232 tier chest and helm and runed orbs which are used to craft 232 gear. The people that dont want you in their H+ runs are there for 5 fast conq badges which they will use to buy that 232 gear.

Most of that gear isn’t even that great. Ulduar 25m gear is much better.

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Which is pretty much all people run H+ for now… Completely obliterating the purpose of H+.
Wait until H++ comes out next week. It is only going to get worse.

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Outside of HM, Ulduar gear isnt all that great. And will be even less so after next week. But the gatekeepers will still make H++ hell for those who actually need the gear.

This is why I’m trying to gear my paladin as much as possible before then. My rogue and DK are 4.5 and 4.9, so getting groups for them should be easy.

No, it just means that H+ has a dual purpose. Reason #1 is for the people needing 232 stuff and reason #2 is for the people who want to get the 200/213 stuff.

How is it dual purpose if the 2nd reason doesn’t allow anyone who needs it to go?

It’s like putting a 230 ilvl requirement for content that gives you 210 gear.

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My main complaint with Ulduar gear is it has WAY too much hit.

I’ve done plenty of runs on multiple toons where i could use 200/213 gear from the dungeons and i’ve seen plenty of people rolling on the 200/213 stuff to use and have seen plenty of people wearing that stuff. So what then? were we doing it wrong?

That’s the primary purpose IMO… but the way it was implemented, where everyone who is over 4k wants to faceroll for the 5 conquest badges, has made the primary focus a distant secondary focus.
I had to spend 10k on BoE gear to just get invited into H+ groups.

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