Was told 3.6K GS was too low for H+ on my ret pally

Thats you, ill drop 700 on lvling gear, gold is easy come easy go, never Rmt on any video games. Ive put the effort into the game and dont really need charity, Im not flexing or bragging just stating facts, My philosopy is gold was meant to be spent not horded, Sorry if your real life inhibitions transfer over to pixels but mine dont, I play 1 mmo and play it well. Sweatards and cryhards can scrub the floors and polish the pebbles while tanking the floor for all I care. Gear score is a core mechanic and ties in with stat weighting, that bikini plate actually has less armor than the cuirass at same I lvl. Believe it or not devs actually tried to keep models, stats, and lvls congruent and balanced for a progression based building system. Is more clear at lower lvls where stats go up in increments of one but start scaling as expansions create larger lvl spreads and gear overlap from expansion to expasion loses linearity and previous endgame gear branches off into a dead end.

Hay man if you wanna spend 6 hours of work grinding gold to then immediately replace it from Naxx 10 which you can do without spending all that, more power to you.

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Lol, you make too many assumptions, I dont need to run dailys, farm or buy gold, I just sell my crafts and collect the gold from mailbox, dont be jealous, your typing skills can make up for your cheapness. I mean how hard can gearing be if a one and a half armed arthritis ridden 50 year old can do it? Ive actually got a titanium shoulder IRL,

So you’re on disability and can play WoW all day? That explains your attitude. :roll_eyes:

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Uh huh. I see.

If thats all you do, more power to you.
Most of us like to raid and do dungeons.
I’ve had tanks with 3/4 your GS do an incredible job and later thanked the group for “giving” them a chance.
Multiple tanks mind you.
Ive also grouped with tanks who had a higher GS than you who constantly wiped the group because they had no idea what they were doing.
It’s all about knowing the class. Knowing how to react to others.
GS is so overrated it’s frankly useless IMO. It’s virtually gatekeeping at this point. But its what the sweats demand.
Wouldnt be an issue with RDF… But that’s another story.

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But not every player is like that. For whatever reason they just cant (or wont?) play their class to its full potential. They’re new to the class, have a hard time adjusting to a role, or they’re busy watching netflix on the other screen or are are distracted in some other way. I imagine GS exists because people like that exist. And the rest of us low GS high skill players end up having to pay the price.

I’m pushing for RDF… and this would help with that. Yeah, you’ll get into groups who suck and don’t know wtf they are doing… but at least you’d be able to learn and grow.
Right now you can’t even get into groups unless you have a certain GS (4k or so right now) so nobody is able to go through that process.
I’ve been in groups with toons who had 4k GS and had no idea what they were doing (crap dps, tank or heals, doesn’t matter) but they faked their GS because of the stupid gatekeeping that is going on.

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The thing is people advocate for spamming AV or whatever for honor, get honor gear and show up in PvP gear.

Earned from not really playing your class, just showing up to vann or drek and pressing buttons.

Not to mention PvP gear isn’t exactly the best for DPS, sure an upgrade is an upgrade but you’ll be missing out on crucial stats for your class sometimes.

But at the end of the day, people see high GS and think good enough, even though it’s all pvp.

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Yeah, PVP gear is better than quest greens, but probably worse than dungeon blues due to the missing stats. Not a big deal for normal heroics but is an issue for H+.


Yes im disabled, got a problem with it, probably can do more with my left hand than you can with both, my excuse is a shoulder replacement, whats your excuse for poor performance?

Are you really trying to act holier than thou skill/performance wise because you buy gear?


What poor performance? I perform just fine in H+. I’ve seen players with much higher gear scores do much worse. Probably cause they AFKed in AV for the gear.

at so many points in the history of this game pvp’ers have been FORCED to pve(dungeons/raids) for the gear needed to compete. but if pve has to do battlegrounds/wintergrap then it’s an outrage. thats the irony

Fwiw, I don’t think the Ulduar ilvl buff or keeping the rating requirements close to the original were good decisions either.

This is a pve game with a pvp side game, so no it’s not an irony.

Some of us have seen how you do in raid, “just fine” by your own measure isn’t saying much.

I am guessing you have me on ignore because you’ve ignored my responses to you here, but I’ll reiterate: your character is a dps, and far below average-geared. Why would anyone take you, even if your gear meets the bare minimum requirements for the content, when they could effortlessly have a much better geared dps?

Blodied waters is ilvl 200 lvl 80, you said “But pvp gear is, in some cases, worse than that 174 blue item you picked up.”

You just skipped 26 ilvls, to make a false point.

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If you want a good laugh, check OP’s logs. Rat city

Hundreds of people decline your alt for their groups? Surely they are the problem and not you

First of all, who looks up logs for dungeons? Second, even if you’re degenerate enough to do so, my Horde paladin has no logs. Third, this character isn’t my main. Fourth, I find it ironic you’re log shaming while hiding on an alt yourself.

This kind of toxic behavior is the problem, not wanting to do dungeons on an appropriately geared character.