It doesn’t matter if you’re technically geared enough for H+. The fact is that there is a large pool of dps players and the vast majority of them are way more geared than you. Why take you when there are so many better options available?
Which actually wasn’t why they put personal loot in at all.
It was first added in DS LFR where there was no ML at all. And it didn’t make its way into non LFR/RDF content until long after blizzard’s policy was ML at your own risk we won’t help you. And it was added there because they were trying to police how guilds were min maxxing loot.
Nobody cared about LFR. I’m talking about raiding. They put it in raiding so people would stop making tickets about loot.
They still resolved loot issues until WoD (last time I made a ticket for it that worked). After WoD when personnal loot was forced for any raids that wasn’t full guild they stopped resolving those issues. Expansion after personnal loot was forced for everything.
No now you’re talking about PL. And when it was first added it was in LFR so ML wasn’t even a factor in why PL was first created.
And if you didn’t understand the rest of what I said PL wasn’t forced on raids until long after blizzard’s policy was if you use ML and get “ninjad” it’s your own fault we won’t help. And no they didn’t help in WoD, PL was i believe optional in raids then. So once again PL being forced into raids had nothing to do with ML.
I’m talking to changes when it mattered.
Nobody cared about changes to LFR. They added it because guilds cheated and got banned sure. But that’s not the reason why they added it to “real raiding”.
Blizzard policy was if you got the screenshots of the rules and that they didn’t respect the rolls it was considered a scam. Only later on they decided to not resolve any issues.
" Scamming other players is a violation of our World of Warcraft game policies. We will investigate any reports of scamming that we receive and take the appropriate action , removing gains and penalizing those who violate this policy as needed."
LoL by the time PL was forced into raids blizzard didn’t care about ML disputes, their policy for a long time was you join a ML raid you do so at your own risk.
They stopped because usually loot rules were so vague that it was impossible to determine an issue.
And PL was only truly in raids in Legion.
All I am saying is they resolved my issues in WoD. So you can keep yapping about circumstances that’s how it happened.
I also managed to make a gm uncraft an item in WoD. They told me they would never do it again xd
WoD was the last time gms were cool. Now it’s just red tapes and talking to copy paste. If a gm wanted to do something in WoD he could make it happen.
Got to buy the token and get into GDKP’s. Thats the devs design philosophy
And there were also plenty of times in WoD and earlier for that matter including vanilla that GM’s wouldn’t do a thing about someone complaining they got ninjad by a ML.
Like I said the way to sell it was saying it was a scam. And I just quoted the scam policy. They would never give you the items if you do that. But they did ban people and remove the items.
Unless someone did something completely egregious the GM’s never cared.
And the retail devs don’t even like PL anymore since it’s been removed from raids.
They made group loot which is the best loot system imo. You can do whatever you want with and it still protects highest rollers rule. They still use personnal loot for dungeons I think which I guess make sense.
Taking a screenshot of highest roll win rule and then of the master looter giving himself the item and leaving the raid when he lost a roll was a pretty easy way to report it.
They would be like “we have checked the logs and have taken appropriate actions”
Maybe I got lucky back then with the gms I got, I don’t know. I have pretty good luck.
Raiding is the end game and always has been.
Your right about MC being made in a week but that was because they originally planned on Rag being a a boss fight in a room in BRD but then expanded on the idea of him becoming a raid boss in Molten Core.
Molten core was already an idea but it was almost going to be cut.
MC and Onyxia were also released on launch of WOW.
I like it. Actually wish they would have done more with them.
Like the way you put that.
You’re arguing about how the clear rate of Algalon is mostly done only 1 time per week by the majority of people who have cleared Algalon.
Then in a different thread you say this.
You also said you kill Algalon multiple times a week…
You’re just all over the place Red.
Then why does it exist? Why have boes
If nobody is supposed to buy it?
How stupid are you?
I think you missed the part about “to do content that drops 200ilvl gear”.
It was kinda important to the point.
But it’s old content, if you wanted to do it while it was current you’d of done it while everyone else did.
Now it’s catch-up content. That means you play catch-up and get catch-up gear, boes, pvp gear, heroic gear, etc.
It doesn’t mean you play like the xpac is fresh. Your character is behind the curve.
I don’t consider what I do what most people do. Weird.
That was so easy to reach for. But you can never make the link.
If we’re talking specifically of hard mode loot. They are even adding a vendor for 10m mode because getting that loot is just plain terrible. Hard mode loot is like vanilla boss drop rates, it’s just bad if you want people to be able to gear in less than 6 months. Add to that that it just creates a higher difference in p2 if you are unlucky by a lot. And Ulduar for p3 will barely be worth over ToC even with the buff. It’s kinda a garbage loot system with a garbage upgrade.