Its not… and GS is kinda pointless and for chumps. GS just means you have high item levels equipped and does not mean its the right gear.
GS is stupid; when I form groups I want to see parses.
Its not… and GS is kinda pointless and for chumps. GS just means you have high item levels equipped and does not mean its the right gear.
GS is stupid; when I form groups I want to see parses.
You look up parses when forming dungeon groups?
no… Just raids.
And for dungeons I don’t give a flying leap over a rolling doughnut about their gear score, only that they’re not like 5K low on HP, Other than that the H+ in wrath is still easier than normal modes in TBC were at the appropriate level.
Fair enough. I can understand not wanting to take someone in quest greens, but I’m literally sitting at 200ilvl.
Yeah… that’s more than plenty.
When h+ first dropped if your tank or healer was lower than 4k gs you were probably going to have a really bad time. Could you run the dungeons with a full group at 3,600gs? Maybe, but it was going to take a very long time per dungeon, and some like Gundrak were a hard NO.
Now that so many people have gear scores above 5200 you could easily squeeze in a few people with a gs at 3500-3600 and breeze through every h+ with no problem. The only thing that you run into with low gs in h+ is you’re not carrying your weight compared to anyone else that’s got 5,000+ gs and they’re likely there for badges which means they want to blow through as fast as possible. That means someone with a 3,600gs is going to slow them down and according to them it’s too low for the dungeon.
They’re not wrong according to what they want to accomplish.
If you don’t want to have any trouble finding a group for H+ content, then form your own group. Don’t get mad if you don’t form your own group, and the Uber geared people don’t want to slow down to carry you through.
I’d look at logs first.
“LFM for Naxx 10m. Must have full Ulduar 25m hard mode gear.”
That’s literally what you people sound like, and it’s incredibly toxic.
“LF people to carry my undergeared Ret Paladin”
And thats what you sound like.
How is it toxic to say you would prefer to gather your weekly emblems in an hour or two instead of 6 or 10 hours? It’s not.
There’s plenty of people in the 3600-4000 gs range running raids and dungeons and h+ content. It just takes a little longer if you’re not being carried.
Again you’re free to form your own group to do these dungeons so I don’t see what the problem is tbh? If someone says you’re too low, just replace them.
You could always form a group of nothing but 3.6k people and see how fun that is. Its a lot less fun than getting a bunch of higher geared players and getting through the content in a quick amount of time.
Nobody is obligated to carry you. Appreciate it when they do. Accept it when they dont.
I’d carry him, my back is strong.
I don’t think its possible even in Quest blues to make Naxx 25 take 6 to 10 hrs… Its literally easier than molten core using AQ / Naxx geared 60’s in vanilla.
Nah, Naxx is still harder than Molten Core was before AQ/Naxx.
Not sure why youre trying to prop up easiest game of the 3
I went from like 3300 to 4150 in H+ mostly. So far I’ve had two bad dungeons out of like 20+
One HoL in which the dps were doing like 1k damage, I stuck out it to not be mean and we could not get past the 2nd boss.
One Gundrak where the snake boss nuked everyone and the tank had zero idea that he had to move.
Good ratio imo and most runs were friendly and chill.
That being said I can see why people want people more geared.
Undergeared for Ulduar, not H+.
I have, and we got through it just fine.
It may take longer, but it’s still doable.
It’s not a carry when I’m the appropriate gear level.
They are just gatekeeping.
Right the more competent devs who created the game originally preferred ML, if we liked the design decisions retail devs make we wouldn’t be playing classic in the first place
The devs who created the game just made what they could. Raiding was a side activities when they created it (molten core was made in like a week). They also had gms that wouldn’t mind fixing loot disputes. A big reason why I’m not for ML at least for pugs anymore. They won’t care at all if you get ninja or ripped off.
ML wasn’t just for raids that was just primarily where it was used.
And the GM’s never fixed loot disputes. They fixed mistakes where the ML made a mistake but not when some random dude complained.
LOL you can always tell who never actually played back in the day.
They definitely banned people and removed items. I did it I think 2 or 3 times.
They didn’t give you the items back.
As long as you had screenshots of loot rules and of loot rolls they would look at it.
That’s why they forced personnal loot. They didn’t want to fix loot disputes.
They didn’t call it ban for “ninja loot”, it’s considered a scam to advertise something and not respect it.