Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

I like how they use the same terms they used for multiboxing saying it wasnt supported.

Maybe one day blizz will stop the boost possibility.

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Agree. 100 bucks is nothing. I’ve had friends who will easily drop a couple grand on new TLP servers in EQ without even blinking.

holy christ thats some tasty karma


In fact its against the TOS to pay real money …So we could just turn in the OP as well…


Next time you may opt for different approach to achieve your goals.

A very common tactic used by many players of this community is called “git gud”. I heard it can work wonders.


Getting scammed is never fun even if it is for something bad like drugs.

I hope u take a look at urself and realize where ya went wrong. Most importantly I’m sorry the game was built in which carries are acceptable


This is what blows my mind. Players who pay for their boost because they’re lazy or bad at the game. Maybe if the core gameplay was actually compelling, players might not want to boost. To me boosting a carry should be bannable. It ruins the integrity of the game.


I bet if you opened a support ticket, they would.

Look for pity elsewhere. Boosting has ruined WoW, why we have bots running rampant and why multiplayer content sucks. Get rekt boosted nub lul


Sometimes we get what we deserve.

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Huokan is a real boosting community Limit is promoting and/or associated with if you want one that is real. Just google Huokan boosting service and it’ll take you to their information. Sorry you were scammed last I read blizzard doesn’t investigate these types of currency trading activites.

Calling the authorities sounds like the best plan. You can sue him in small claims. Find out who he is and serve him.

Ok, stop right there.

First question:


Dammit, I was gonna say this

Cause the scammer realized he caught a whale, and want to make a career defining con

It’s not dumb at all. You took the risk and handed over 650k not knowing if this guy was legit or not. You’re also the dumb one for spending 650k on a boost. Boosts were 4-10k per level beyond 110 in Battle for Azeroth and you gave someone 650k?!?

Paying for carries is pure laziness and frowned upon. The only one to blame for your gold being taken due to a scammer is yourself.


So is boosting.

You learned an expensive day today, learn it and move on.


omg please do this and let us know what happens


This is one of the dumbest things i have read on this forum in a while


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I learned my lesson about trusting people and their intentions way back in Vanilla when I gave my mats to a so called enchanter and he logged off once he had my mats.