Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

Do a charge back on the wow tokens, then tell customer service you were scammed and had to make sure you got your money back somehow. They’ll definitely look into that issue then. Since blizz made profit they see no issue, when you start taking money out of their pocket then they escalate you to the highest powers.

Boo hoo poor you! Maybe next time find a group that you can confirm is legit. Like one of the top guilds on a high pop server. Look for top guilds, I am sure most of them sell raid spots.

Consequences will never be the same!


Oof I am wandering how did you explain the loss of $100 to your wife

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I would say paying $100 for A carry is a loss of common sense


el o el no more boostieboy


I also heard that the Prince of Nigeria has inheritance money for you and only needs some minor information.

Why would you pay for 100% of the services before you received anything in return? 650k must have been for multiple runs. Hope you learned a lesson and play the game yourself.

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serves ya right, need to play the game as intended not have someone hold your hand


is 650K even the going rate for any of this? its over half a mil. what was 650k supposed to pay for?

did the in game character that received the gold have the achievements to back up what they were claiming to offer?
did the agreement take place within game chat or on Discord (off game biz wont be able to verify anything. transaction agreements off game should be a red flag.)

and might as well test the claim that bliz doesn’t care and report the characters involved.

who knows, bliz might want to keep the few remaining players in the game that are still willing to give them any money via wow tokens. :thinking:

You might get the gold back? Though I heard blizzards not the same as it once was 10 years ago in the past I was scammed in a similar way and blizzard gave me my gold back. And told me not to be a “career victim” a lesson I learnt for sure and phrase I’ll always remember lol.

Per this official link, report it. You will not get your gold back but Bliz claims they will take action against the scammer.

I know the scammer said “Blizz doesn’t care”.

But he also said he’d boost you for 650k - and look how truthful that was.


oh so the guys who are 225+ ilvl doing 2k overall dps


You are to blame. You took your business outside of WoW (Discord) where Blizzard can’t do anything.

Granted, they wouldn’t have given your gold back but they would have shut these people down if they could read the chat logs. That’s why these scammers took you to Discord.

That’s why you never buy boosts.

Or if you absolutely have to (if such a reason exists…) you go with a 10/90 payment scheme.

10% up-front. The remainder when they have completed the offered service.

Either way, you’re a winner in that case: They scam you, but you only lose 65K (not that hard t0 make it back), while keeping the rest. OR they come through and you get your KSM.

Keep in mind if this whole thing was worked out over discord. Hmm well you just gave the guy free gold. You have to work out all the details in game. Be it some sort of wow chat, Private wow message or some other form of in game chat mode.

Bliz will not look at what is said on discord and then no proof of a scam. So to a gm it looks like you handed over 650k gold with nothing said about what it is for.




EZ 100k Gold

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Bobby needs that yacht, can’t afford GMs.

You got what you deserved you lazy mongo. I’ll bet you are one of those short bus riders who Cashapp escorts and get upset when they ghost you.


As an EvE Online player I dont feel bad in the slightest lol.
I have seen people lose thousands of dollars in less than a second.

When people do stupid things expect stupid results.