Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

They didn’t steal $100 from you, they stole gold from an in-game currency.

The authorities will do nothing in this scenario.

If blizzard is allowing this there should be an automated escrow system for paid services.

Then the seller can set the pass fail conditions and blizzard holds the payment until they’re met. Of course blizz would take a cut.

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Or they could make a sales/services forums section.

Put it all here and from that could arise 3rd party transaction holders.

Eve had this until they made larger ships dockable. KInd of reduced the name for them.

In the old day lets say you wanted to sell a ship worth 15 billion. Couldn’t use the market or the contracts (like an AH). And trust in eve…yeah. 15 billions is alot of trust most don’t do lol.

You’d reach out to a trusted 3rd party holding service. You pay them a fee. they hold the expensive ship. and you trust them with it. Since in the case of legendary players like one named Chribba…the dude had no reason to screw you over. 100’s of holdings handled. Dude was rich as hell game wise and had a name to protect.

Sellers pays the 15 billion, 3rd party handed the ship over, payment to seller and holders fees worked out…and business concluded. 15 billion sale no muss no fuss.

Not sure that would work with X-realm.

If carries are driving token sales it would be in blizzards best interest to implement a trusted escrow for services.

The worry would be it might encourage them to dip there toes into RMT transactions again and let people sell carries for money and take a cut that way… Can already hear the “It’s the only way would could control it”

everything in life is a lesson learned. No one thinks they’ll be the victim of a crime until it happens.

Sadly there’s not much you can do. You can contact Blizzard but their customer service is horrible. There’s no harm in trying, you might be able get a hold of them this way

click the link the take the following steps

  1. On the left side click “In-game issue”
  2. on the right click “report a player”
  3. on the right again click “scams”
  4. on the bottom click “contact us”

Try the following:

If you’ve been the victim of a scam, we will investigate if either of the following criteria are met:

** The Master Looter set specific loot rules using in-game chat and did not abide by them.*
Note : MS>OS is not a supported loot rule.
** A trade of in-game goods and/or services was agreed upon using in game chat, and the other player refused to honor the deal.*

While we can’t guarantee that you will recoup your loss, we will investigate and take appropriate action against the offender. Please provide as much detail as possible in your ticket.



QUICK, SOMEONE CALL THE AUTHORITIES! And please record it so we can all listen in.


OH how i love seeing whales get scammed, maybe stop paying others to play the game for you boy lmfao :)) gold

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Play stupid games with stupid prizes :man_shrugging:

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No. You should uninstall WoW and play another game.

Why would you want to pay extra just to enjoy a game you’ve fully paid and subbed?

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Dang so we got a real who is worst the community or the people in charge who allow it to happen.

Blizzard does suck but this community is just the worst plus im 99% sure this is no longer a game but a safe haven for people with nothing going on in there life.

Blizz can only do so much to protect you from yourself.

lol do you want sympathy? Don’t boost

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If they said it in chat, it can be tracked and they an be punished for fraud.

Its a wee bit confusing - the first support article says you may get gold back, the second one says not, so its a bit of a dice toss by the look of it. But I wouldnt guarantee you will get anything back. At the very least you can try and stop them doing it to anyone else.

Yes GD, we all know people should be careful of being scammed but making comments basically laughing at someone for being the victim of a scam is a bit mean, isnt it?

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Honestly, I feel as though people like you are poison to WoW. Not as bad as the scammer, but bad enough to make me think you’re making this all up to prove a point…even though I’m guessing it actually did happen.

Whatever. My sub will be over soon enough and the small amount I care will be gone.

You do you.

Nor the manpower to make content patches at a decent rate, it would seem. I remember hearing about how they’re growing their dev team over and over in the past, but that was before the firings…which I thought were mostly PR/CMs/GMs and the like.

I’m fairly ignorant on their inner workings, but I do think many questions can be answered with your post, unfortunately…


What are you talking about?

They would still be in business lol, they would just prey on fools who click links to buy WOW gold instead and steal their accounts

Desrved. stop trying to pay to win


It’s almost certainly against the law, but the problem is getting in touch with the right people. Blizzard won’t do anything. Call the cops, they’re not going to know where to send you. Call an attorney and they’re not going to be interested in retrieving a meager hundred dollars

Entertaining thread… :rofl: :crazy_face:

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Maybe you should play the game how it’s intended?