Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

Use reputable boosting communities and don’t try to cheap out :+1:


Hope you learned a valuable lesson today. Either play the game or don’t, paying $100 for someone to carry you while you sit afk is a tragic waste of time.

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We are outnumbered 27 to 1 and surrounded from all sides.
There is no way they can escape us now.

If you are buying carries there is a chance they will scam you out of your gold so if you don’t want any chance of getting scammed don’t buy carries. Blizzard is not going to do anything if someone scams you out of gold.

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Please do this. I wanna hear their response to you wasting their time.


Well that’s really obscene. You can and should report them, hopefully they will get permanently banned. I don’t mind people buying boosts, it’s an in-game service. I mind people buying gold through tokens. You see if you earned that gold in-game, you’re exchanging an in-game service (farming gold) for an in-game service (clearing content). Add a token to the mix, and now you’re buying an in-game service with real money. Tokens have ruined this game irreversibly.

LOL…a true hero punishing the cheaters.


Please record that conversation and share it with us. I’d love to hear it.

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I wonder how much money I’d have to make to feel like boosting was even affordable, much less desirable.

(Especially because I’m no AH mogul)

And, you believed him…a stranger with no background.

I believe 650k is Heroic carry right? You should have at least made sure about the community or buy from a trusted guild.

Last I checked the wow token was 170k which means your math is way off. If the token was 108k then that would be close to accurate, but alas, it is not.

Why are you buying carries anyway? And then lying about the amounts you paid for it? FOR SHAME.

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Sucks to be you, man. Take it as a lesson. This is what happens when you pay others to play the game for you.


They didn’t steal anything from you. You voluntarily traded gold in exchange for nothing but an assurance so your loss of gold is entirely on you. They should be banned for scamming but I doubt you’re going to get your gold back unless you engaged in a mutually agreed-upon contract clearly outlined in game chat. Though you could have just avoided all of this by playing the game yourself.

That brings me to my next point about your reasoning here. You paid $15 for access to the game, only to spend $100 to not play it? That’s like paying $15,000 for a new car and giving a stranger $100,000 to take it to the gas station. This thought process is so outrageously asinine I don’t even believe it really happened.

they don’t have the man power because they keep firing it to save costs.

They don’t listen when hou say it

owned lmao


Hahahaha I hope this is true.

Really annoyed at when using lfg, there are more boost groups than actual. This man is doing Gods work.


How do you get scammed like that?
You join a discord with 1 person in it, and think it’s a boosting community? Those have like 10k people.

Was this on Tichondrius? Cause I know exactly who did it. Afk’ing in Orgrimmar I know exactly the scam artists there.

You know you can farm the gold for free in game, you can also farm the M+ or raid kills too. Just because you paid for something in real money and lost it does not mean it’s Blizzards fault.