Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

So why’d you want to boost?


Common sense = “don’t buy boosting services from shady people.”

It’s next to “don’t start a land war in Asia,” and “never cross a Sicilian when death is on the line”


Blizzard owns the service and someone is using that service to scam people.
Who is to say they are not selling that gold for real money.
And Gold does hold a monetary value due to being able to us it for a subscription fee.

Blizzard really should be policing their service, just like any other business would.

But this is Blizzard we are talking about, so in reality they are probably thankful the scammer goated someone into purchasing 4 tokens.

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You are SOL for getting your gold back.

Instead of berating you for boosting, especially when normal LFG groups expect AOTC, I’ll just suggest you do some research into legit boosting communities first and work out the details on their official discord. Most have automated “answering bots” who will connect you with vetted boost sellers (gold only - do NOT work with sellers who want RMT).

feel bad for ya

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Holla if you’d rather rock crafted than pay for a carry. I enjoy being mediocre random mythic pieces would mess that up.


This is why you never pay upfront.

Here is an idea…play the game instead of trying to silver platter it with boosting.

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Mobile games are the Pay-to-win way for you, buddy

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Was the boosting agreement written down in game?

If so please toss a ticket in and report it. Blizzard SHOULD be able to grant you your gold back while removing it from the offender considering it was an in game trade for in game services. As long as the agreements are in game Blizzard already has the data needed to prove the fraud and it should be very easy to get your stuff back.

I have had players scam me for mats before back when you looked for players to craft you things and had mats returned and that player subsequently banned. This should be covered under those rules unless blizzard has decided to previously rule out boosting as part of a trade

good luck with that :rofl:



Wow… Are we learning yet?

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Out of curiosity how many people were in the fake discord community

Don’t buy boosts.

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I can’t remember the game directing me to buy a carry to play. Maybe I missed that questline.

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‘I paid to win and got scammed’ and you expect sympathy?

This is a satire/troll post, with 125 replies. My hat is off to you.


That’s what’s you get for buying wow tokens

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I may be wrong, but I believe blizzard allows boosts to happen, so at the same time they will take action if the other party didn’t uphold their end.

Boosts (for gold) while not against the rules are an unsupported kind of trade, you do it at your own risk, Blizzard doesn’t help if something goes wrong.

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there are so many red flags with the boosting services, i can’t believe you fell for it OP

just play the game and have fun :sweat_smile:

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