Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

OP, while I doubt he can be punished for it, I wish you the best in pursuing it.

I hope he falls down an elevator shaft and breaks both of his legs.


To be fair…paying someone to boost or carry you is just shy of cheating.

Its like if someone shoplifts a store and then gets his good mugged on the way out himself.

Was it right to mug the guy? No

Do I care very much? Not really


Fortunately the gold was traded in game, you can contact support to get them punished but you won’t get your gold back

Honestly blizzard is at fault here for not caring about their customers. They’ll pocket the gold and send you on your way while that guy scams more people.

I bought a carry at the end of WoD with gold because I really wanted the flying moose.

Everything was done through ingame chat – not outside the game. Blizzard sees EVERYTHING you type, so they’ll see what the terms were for the carry. They do punish people who scam others if they have proof. ie, the chat logs. So never ever bite at carries that insist on doing business outside the game. Period.


Apparently you had a lot of issues if you were calling in all the time about in-game stuff? I’ve played for 16+ years and never had to call them once lol :man_shrugging:

You’re still missing the point I see. It was never meant to be a way to get in touch with a GM and why they got rid of the number… because people apparently like you weren’t using the ticket system and were calling them instead.

That is why they don’t have a direct number for Customer Service anymore and the ticket system that’s in place they have now. The link i posted shows that.

No more need to go back and forth. You believe what you want. :smiley:

Sorry, I hate the Carry Business and I hate people buying the Carries. Sorry, I laughed at you. That’s the risk of you trying to cheat the game. You want to cheat… to get shortcut to high ilevel loots. And you got cheated. LOL. ROFL.

And what are you gonna do next? Buy another carry and risk again?

How about next patch? How would you gear up? Buy a carry and risk again?

How about next Expansion? How would you gear up? Buy a carry and risk again?

Every patch and every expansion, would you buy carry over and over?

I have an advise. Learn to play dungeons. Start from the bottom. Keep on playing. You would die a lot… wipe a lot. But you would learn from mistakes. When you learn, you would start beating dungeons. Then you start doing higher difficulty dungeons. You keep on improving and you keep climbing up to the highest difficulty. This way, you wont have to buy any carry anymore. You could even start selling carries once you develop the skill.

So what are you gonna do? Buy carry or learn to play? If you started learning to play last Expansion, you should be fine now doing high keys on Shadowlands on your own.


While I’m very anti carry and I don’t see myself paying for one, if I did I would never pay before I get carried. Show that you have the gold and then ask for the service before paying up, if they refuse then I would not be willing to trust them unless a friend recommended me to them.

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No they just have less customer service people

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Their cs team is basically useless these days. You’re forced to wait 2 days for a response, and then they’ll usually just say, “sry, can’t help.”


This does help, and it’s good advice. I think Blizzard can easily look up the logs too but having a screenshot helps things I’m sure.

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Oh how this game has fallen that people feel the need to be boosted.

No king rules forever.


Legal grey area I think. I am not a lawyer.

Blizzard gave you the gold promised in exchange for your money, so at that point there’s no fraud. Blizzard itself is not responsible for what you do with the gold afterwards.

On the other hand, the transaction does establish equivalency between gold and money, and you were indeed swindled out of something that belongs to you by another player, through deceitful means. You would need to go after that person directly, and convince a court that this person swindling you out of your gold goes beyond normal “game interaction” and constitutes actual fraud or theft.

Where Blizzard gets involved is that one of the first steps you will need to go through is to force Blizzard to give you that other player’s info in order to go forward with suing specifically that player.

I don’t think anyone ever tried this before (I mean, the entire process of getting a lawyer and trying to sue another player for scamming), so there’s no jurisprudence that I know of, which is why I say its a grey area.

Talk to a real lawyer.

IMO for ~100$ it’s not worth it, unless you’re a vindictive millionaire who’d get a kick out of establishing that much needed precedent in the MMO space for scamming being legally actionable in the real world.

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I wish a GM would respond to you like this:

“Getgud. Learn2play. You can reach KSM or AoTC without buying a Carry”.


Na ah ah ah

You gave Blizzard 100$ and they gave you 5 tokens
You gave that token to players and got gold
Your gave gold to a scammer and lost your gold

They did not steal 100$ its still in Blizzard’s pocket not with the scammer, what they did steal is your gold .

Now gold has no monetary value which means they cannot convert that gold into real currency and spend it in a pub talking about how they fooled a nab into making this night for them.

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I agree its a problem but thats what happens when a system has infinite gold in it. People are still running on there millions from WoD-BFA dailies.

There are no significant gold sinks and each person is offered like 2k gold per alt per day (say there is 1mill active characters not players thats 2 billion gold being added per day from callings).

The system should be net negative for raid loggers (dailies + raid logging repair cost) even if you raided daily you would make 7k per week for raiding chars and 11-14k on non raiding alts.

Without a massive revamp to the setup of the game carries are just a better option for alot of people (who dont really want to progress that level of the raid but do want the gear for m+ content). Its the same as raiders who dont m+ buying m+ carries to get more gear for raiding.

sorry to hear that friend , this might be a lesson for ya but dont boost with a discord that has less than 10 people , also 650 k is not that much gold , i do feel that GMS should take in consideration situations like these and punish scammers but then again we probably have 1 GM per every 40 servers and probably not full time.

What does that have to do with the number getting disconnected because it was never meant to be used for in-game issues?

Just because it worked for you when you called doesn’t change the fact it was always meant to be for account issues, not in-game issues.

Are you purposely being obtuse? It is why they don’t have a number anymore! rofl

Anyways, this is just a silly circular argument now so no point in continuing on with it. I provided the proof what the number was meant to be for.

And no back and forth between you and I will be bringing the number back.

Have a good Saturday! :smiley:

Was everything discussed under Discord? Basically, did they discuss anything in /whisper to you? If I ever got scammed $100 for any reason I would be trying to get it back. Even though they scammed you out of gold, Blizzard does encourage carries more than it discourages them so if you have any in-game proof they should be able to help.


Firstly, never buy any boost because it ruins everyone else’s experience especially in PVP. However, if you are going to buy stick with known boosting communities.