Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

no, not when it comes to whaling on wow tokens. It’s properly ostracizing someone for it so they hopefully choose not to buy tokens again.

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lol Call the authorities? Ok ya I bet the FBI will get right on it.

Blizzard absolutely should do something about the amount of garbage in LFG but they won’t because they want people spending tons of money on tokens. Doesn’t make it right or good for the game, but Blizzard is a screwed up mess as has recently come to light.

Just say that you have reasonable suspicion they’re regulars on /pol/ and the FBI most guaranteed will be on it.

Why can’t blizzard restore the lost items? They have logs. This is a problem THEY created.

Indirectly created by Blizzard. They should have a team for this. They deemed boosting/carries with gold OK. Therefore they condone they purchase of a WoW token to pay for these in-game services. They need to restore lost items and action predatory behavior.

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The answer isn’t to abuse people who use tokens for boosts - the answer is to ban boosting.

If that was done this issue would be a great deal less likely to happen.

I agree with the premise. However, what would be the point of buying tokens? The token economy is directly related to the boosters and buyers of said services.

Wiggles toes

But I think what you did as well is considered cheating right?

So basically cheater getting cheated by a cheater?

Boosting is cheating because you gain an unfair advantage over someone who did not boost

People buy gear off the AH I think, all that BoE stuff? There is other stuff to buy.

I absolutely agree. However, it’s a grey area because tokens have been extremely profitable.

The sad part, if it weren’t for tokens, then you see more site spams and real money purchase carry offers.

Shudders about the the old days of wow with invasive whisper spams and wiggles toes

Well, if you’re paying people to carry you, I highly suspect you aren’t capable of the reverse con.

It’s an unprotected transaction, so it is dumb in all fairness.

No doubt. Just saying people buying runs are probably the larger percentage of the token sales.

They totally are.

That’s why the wow token has been the best thing they’ve done since wrath of the lich king.

Blaming the victim is indication of immaturity not to mention a disgusting thing to do , if the Op wants to spend his gold on a carry that is his decision.The real problem is you have Blizzard who allows WTS literally everywhere in their game and rakes in money from people buying boosts, but accepts no responsibility or accountablility when bad things happen because of this.I am really not surprised, because the initial statement to all of the mistreatment of workers and sexual harassment, was to blame other people and deny it.Karma bites you in the butt 100% of the time.The internet allows people to be the arseholes and scumbags they naturally are.

While I personally don’t agree with carry services, the fact is if Blizzard is going to take real dollars for a fake currency, then they should provide protection for the buyers.
Wiggles toes

I would also like to mention 99% of the time these organizations that are scamming people are selling that stolen gold for real money and in turn accumulating hundreds if not thousands of dollars a day doing this.This is not a simple or minor offence happening here.This is internet fraud on a large scale happening right in front of Blizzards eyes.This is a extremely serious illegal action happening inside this game.

So, which organization do you contact?
The FTC?
The BBB?

Not sure anyone has a leg to stand on here.

Wiggles toes

I hope you negotiated some of this in game. If it was in discord, there wouldn’t be anything for a gm to track. If you did, make sure to put in a ticket for scams, but I’m afraid even then you couldn’t get the gold back. Sorry.

If you say so.

It is.

Now they’re paying the price of said decision like any responsible adult should when they do something in a game that is unsupported.

They don’t sanction it and if you see that type of spam you need to report it. Boosting isn’t a protected activity in the game unless you’re buying a character boost from their store. Any type of boost or carry that isn’t Blizzard is unsanctioned and shouldn’t be catered to as that isn’t apart of their support services that are offered to us.

The people can advertise on their own realm for gold carries so long as they don’t constantly spam. Even then, it’s still considered unsupported and if they scam you in game they will get a slap on the wrist and your gold will be removed from them and not given back to you for partaking in the activity.

Anything outside of that is reportable and any level 1 spamming it should be a huge red flag. If they require discord to do the deal you’re already setting yourself up to get taken.

Literally has nothing to do with participating in an unsanctioned activity and being surprised when someone scams you. If reported and they have the proof of who took the gold, they will remove the gold from the person who stole it, but the original gold owner won’t be reimbursed because they have warnings that it isn’t their job to baby sit an adult making their own decisions.

Why are we so afraid of accountability for our actions?

why is it Blizzard job to correct our mistakes again?

It actually allows them to be much worse as in life they’re less inclined to push things as far as some do online.

Just like the op has a right to spend their gold however they want, we also have that same right to point out that partaking in an unsupported activity is dumb and to expect reimbursement for their own actions kinda says it all.

And because of people like the op it will continue to happen because they are choosing the easiest path of least resistance. Why play a video game at all if you are just gonna have someone else play and achieve things for you?

They aren’t getting much sympathy because they’re actively fueling the market many of us want to die. Gold sellers, key sellers, boosters and win traders are an absolute plague on the majority of games and they will never go away when people like the op would rather pay for everything instead of earning it like many before them have.

I don’t personally dislike the op, I just can’t show them sympathy for supporting an illegal industry that is still alive today because of the type of actions they’ve done.

If we coddle everyone who gets scammed then they will never learn their lesson. This is why Blizzard won’t return the gold.


You assumed the risk. If you gamble money and lose do you expect people to have sympathy for you?


Paying for a boost with gold you have earned is not illegal.Stealing said gold is illegal.Are you aware every top guild pays for carries in one form or another during progress.You have world first guilds paying for PVP boosts.