So I’m asking this question genuinely. I mean I remember chat could get pretty out of hand sometimes, and once I got stalked by a teenager for two months because I rolled on a dex item as a hunter and they were a rogue, but honestly, I don’t remember so many people being genuinely malignant and toxic. I want to reiterate, I’m not asking for increased bans or policing, I’m just commenting on the community. I don’t know if it’s a new generation or the OG players becoming crotchety in their old age, but what I do know is that toxicity is worse than I remember. Examples you say?
I didn’t have Pally Power in a dungeon, kept being pestered to download it, refused, at the end I was kicked out of the group so I would be sent back to my spawn point, the person responsible messaged me saying “LOL, wonder which takes longer, you downloading the addon or running back to SM?”
I’m at a camp pulling mobs for a quest. Mage arrives, pulls entire camp and refuses to group or allow me to tag any mobs for a kill quest. This has happened a couple times.
I recommended a druid tank (lvl 24) heal, because our priest (level 16) couldn’t heal Deadmines. They grab a huge pull, then drop group expecting us to die. We make it out, but you get the picture.
These were recent experiences, not since the server started, like just within the last couple weeks. Again, there seems to be a large number of people that have zero consideration for other people. If it’s the current generation of gamers, that’s depressing, if it’s the OG community, grow up, but either way, has anyone else been experiencing this?
Classic wow is a majority of degens with hateful attitudes. You see it in dungeons, raids, pvp, its everywhere, but its mostly on Nightslayer. Something about pvp servers attracts those kinds of people.
Gen-Zs man. Spoiled kids have no values n discipline in Life and no respect or care for others. They pick on ppl worse than them for their lack of skills n knowledge and at the same time make fun of people better than them for being no lifer.
Their whole world is built around themselves only. They want everything fast n easy. They have 0 understanding of working hard n earn something. Their logic is as poor as a 5 years old n the 1st thing they usually mention in an argument is your logs.
It wasn’t even so toxic in pserver land in 2015-2019.
It got worse in 20219-2021 Classic, but it seems every year it gets even worse.
I think there’s three main things:
Internet, and streamer culture, has intensified and reinforced toxic edgelord behaviors. This has gotten worse over the years, and really wasn’t a thing “back then”.
The game is so min/maxed and hyper optimized. Every year it becomes more so. Every year the player base is forced into this playstyle or else they’re met with toxic behavior. I remember the first time someone yelled at me in deadmines because I didn’t know some skip exploit lol. We also just didn’t understand the game like we do now “back then”. But now, the hyper optimized playstyle is dominant and if you aren’t playing this, people get mad. This encouraged others to join in on it and further marginalizes “casuals” and people who just want to play to have fun.
Mega servers breed anonymity. Smaller realms force community. Your name means something. If you’re toxic people shun you. Now you’re just a drop in the bucket. Especially with layers. I’ll never see you again, and the social contract is now out the window. Burn bridges with your guild? All good. 1000’s more on the realm and it’s too big to truly get blacklisted compared to a 3k pop server where you sort of knew all the player names.
the anniversary player base is the problem come to classic era, mankrik cluster. we are very chill and just want to have a good time playing classic WoW the way it’s supposed to be played.
Yup. Some of us saw this coming a mile away. It’s simple human nature.
You’re not a person on a megaserver; you’re a number. A disposable zero, and treated as such.