Was it always so toxic?

Anything crossrealm has been horribly toxic since cross realm was introduced. RDF/bg’s in OG wrath were similar to how they are now

Nope. Started sometime after 2019.

We don’t know if they were or weren’t buffing. People could’ve been suggesting it to make their life easier. Do we know? Nope. Either way, you don’t need an addon to play your class and furthermore, it was stated that this was an SM run. Nothing super serious, yet too many people take this game super serious and suck all the fun out of it.


If you think that, you never played on a decent server. I’ve played on several smaller ones where people actually knew each other. And not just guildies.

I have clear memories of this from way back in Vanilla. And a few times in Classic. On servers that Blizz then locked and killed.


This is the case on nightslayer imo. I even know the same alliance players that are in wsg, which ones are the biggest pita


No it’s not the case on Nightslayer. You would always see the same players in BGs, so that’s no indicator.


I s ee the s ame players out of bg’ too /shrug

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you don’t need some dumb addon to play a class, bud :expressionless:


do you really think there’s a large amount of kids playing this game?

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I’ve played since day one 2004. I welcome people that suck at the game because it gives me a chance to pull the group to success with my own game knowledge to compensate for the lack of theirs.

Had one of the most fun situations the other day in UBRS where we all jumped down to rend but one person aggroed top. So we had a huge inc of mobs incoming and the rend event was started, it must be over right?

I was on my paladin so I switched on Righteous Fury and got in position to get the 20+ mobs that were about to come into the room on me with consecrate so they arent all running free.

I got aggro on everything and since another mage cast a blizzard I was able to kite the mobs on me instead of tanking them outright.

This didnt save the day on its own but it gave the group time to get situated and try to pull this off.

From there chaos ensued with everyone ping ponging the mobs around and kiting to help each other.

We ended up pulling it off with no one dying and everyone was hyped after that.

We had succeeded in a situation where it looked very grim


First of all, Gen Z are 20+ now.
But yes.

I’ve had situations like that, I’ve also had one where we got a tank that was so damn bad ( auto attacking only), that joined me and 3 friends and we all had to kick him after 5 min.

While people can be toxic, how do people like that make it to 60?

Im down to let people learn, but some people are incapable of it at the same time. You got a cut the ones who can’t learn loose.

imagine how much he may have improved if you just said “use sunder in defensive stance to hold aggro on mobs better” instead of just kicking him.

that tip alone would go a long way in being an average tank at least.

People often go to ridicule instead of teaching which is sad


We did, they got mad. I’m not forced to play with that, now that’s toxic.

You know how people are when you give them tanking tips.

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ok at least you tried then. Some people arent open to learning either

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That’s true, I play retail, you can’t even do dungeons unless you out gear it, and play flavor of the month.

As a gen Z, I’ve probably met like 30 other people my age after playing this game for over 10 years, lol. It’s not us, it’s the hyper min-maxxing culture that’s came with the game being this old, and people playing it for 2 decades expecting everyone to be just as sweaty as they are.

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Big servers are full of rude people, small servers have communities that make being toxic a reroll/move servers situation if you continue being toxic.

Mega servers are garbage, just let people join raids cross server.

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I’m a millennial, and I assume you are too, but you sound a lot like the boomers when they were talking about us when we first started playing this game. I’m worried about a lot of Gen Z for a lot of reasons but they’re not bad people by and large.

Overall, nasty attitudes in this game come from somewhere. We’re all angry and on edge because the world just keeps getting scarier and we’ve got no control. Anonymity allows that emotional release and power over another, even in miniscule ways. Sorry OP and others are having bad experiences, I’ve only had a few small ones. I try to bring a good attitude and patience when I’m playing and the people I group with usually reflect that.


It’s SCARLET MONASTERY, this place is a joke. No one needs Pally Power to finish that. This attitude destroys the will of new or returning people to play. Finish the dungeon and find someone new if it bothers you that much.