Was BFA That Bad?

Ah yeah fair

For those I know, both Horde and Alliance, felt they were cornered into things.

Nelfs lost their home and many of their race.

Alliance felt they were useless to do anything and were just bystanders twiddling their thumbs, then felt they were part of a war they didn’t want to be in at Lordaeron.

Horde felt cornered into being part of mass murder and destroying an entire ecosystem.

Tauren players were flabbergasted. Blood Elves didn’t want any part of it. Forsaken felt like they just got villainized. Orcs felt the same.

So I watched quite a few guilds fall apart because their character storylines were ruined by the War of Thorns. Some tried to salvage what they could. Others were just disgusted and didn’t want to try to salvage their stories. Some still feel backed into a corner.

Destroying cities for shock factor wasn’t healthy for the storyline or some roleplayers.


Exactly, even when you are ‘done’ you can go back and keep farming for something, you cannot do that in DF. But in BFA you could also just do other content and not do IE, or warfronts, or M+ for AP farming, gear, mounts and pets.

The complaints people had about there being too much to do in BFA was just because people wanted to do everything, all the daily and weekly content, they wanted to ensure they done the IE weekly so they didn’t miss out, they wanted to do all the daily quests in 8.3, they wanted everything, every week, on all their alts when it was not needed to be done, you could choose to do your AP and gear farm in whatever content you wanted.


Depends on what you did, I suppose. I didn’t play about… the first half or so of BfA, so for the year or a little more that I did play, I had a good time.

However, I’m essentially a fully solo player. I quest, run leveling dungeons, and collect things, and then when I hit max, I world quest for gear and rep, work on professions, run the occasional heroic (even then rarely) and collect things.

For me? BfA was just fine. It wasn’t a great expansion for me, but it wasn’t awful either.

For those who hop on the raid train? I dunno.

The expansion itself wasn’t bad. The issue w/ it was the system they’ve designed.

It didn’t have bad zones, the story and systems are what made that expansion bad…

I enjoyed BFA a lot but I didn’t raid or do M+, so I didn’t feel compelled to play the artifact power game.

Everything else was fine and Island Expeditions were so fun, especially when I could do them solo for farming.

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What made it the worst was when I went online, and couldn’t find a positive thing said about it. There were a lot of content providers that really hated on it. I’m not sure what that was about. There was room for improvement, but it wasn’t as bad as they said it was, for sure.

Everything about BFA was good on paper but in practice it was painfully mediocre or bad.

Like Azerite traits weren’t interesting, I didn’t even remember them till Windwalker monks got their talent trees and I saw 2 talents that were azerite traits.

Islands was just a zug zug bum rush.

Warfronts are boring and a chance of your Warfront run failing is extremely low, makes it uninteresting.

Essences are good I guess but some bis essences can come from content you don’t care about, like me as a Windwalker, one of the minor essences that is bis for me was Conflict and Strife which in all honesty I have stopped regularly during MoP (not rated though) since early MoP and don’t have interest in doing rated PvP. for a time they are alt unfriendly till vendor came along.

Pre-vendor, Corruption is the worst system that has been implemented into WoW imo due to the amount of layers of RNG the system had. When Vendor got added, it got better as you can target a certain corruption and what rank you want it to be but the downside is that it was on a rotation.

For endgame, Raiding is alright, M+ had some banger dungeons and some that have me saying “Blizzard, please don’t add them back to the M+ rotation” (i.e Tol dagor, Siege of boralus). I dont speak PvP so I don’t have any opinion on that front besides farm Blood of the enemy.

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I remember this. Horde players were mostly trying to find some logic or reason to it. Some overall strategy or otherwise. But…all we got was Afrasiabi and Danuser slapping us with the villain stick and saying “No, you’re evil”.

What’s worse was having the carrot dangled in front of us, showing a poster concept of a Sylvanas standing in front of a burning Teldrassil, and them telling us “it isn’t what it appears”.

No…it really was.


“Morally grey” as they put it at the time.

Also, there were no Old Gods in BfA according to them. Ignore the fact that we were fighting swarms of their minions during the expansion launch.

We basically had our intelligence insulted twice, and that was before their first major patch for the expansion was on the horizon.

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BFA is probably my second favorite expansion after MOP. It started absolutely awful, but a funny thing happened. Ion and the developers realized their systems weren’t working so they threw the kitchen sink at it, and after a few patches we were stacking so much freaking power it was unreal. The way the azerite, essences, and corrupted gear synergized was amazing.

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It was really bad when it came to alts and PvP. There was a lot of borrowed power that you had to grind for each new character, and PvP gear was weaker than PvE gear, so battlegrounds and arenas were full of people in M+ gear with grinded out PvE borrowed powers.

But one good thing I remember BFA for - it was fun to play one character casually. Because there were gear emissaries that awarded pretty high level gear for jsut doing world quests. So you could progress as a solo player quite far.

Also, I remember there was a lot of massive world PvP happening, because there were a lot of PvP objectives in the world, which was fun.

Here’s what i thought was better and more fun about BfA:

  • World PvP, e.g. Battle for Nazjatar and WM incursions
  • Conquest gearing via simply filling a bar and you get your item
  • No feeling of being forced/funneled into rated for faster gearing

I didn’t really like corruption, and definitely didn’t like leveling the cloak, but apart from that the overall system wasn’t too bad for casual PvP gearing.

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It was worse than we made it out to be.

BfA was a perfectly good expac so long as you completely ignored meta-slaving azerite gear and corruptions. I just whacked any old thing on my toons and it worked fine. Could solo a heroic dungeon and mostly solo an m0.


Also I don’t know what happened…or why…but clearly something went off the rails pre-production with the story and they bandaged it up as best they can.

The plot was everywhere…

Azeroth is bleeding and needs help!….
Sylvanas genocidal just because now….
Faction war…
Warfronts and random islands….
oh look there’s Azshara!….
Did someone say N’zoth??!?

Never mind everyone is defeated and ok now. Sort of. GO HUNT SYLVANAS!

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I have mixed feelings about Battle for Azeroth.

I think I stopped playing it after the first raid tier. I like the Old God stuff, so Uldir sounded really interesting. Unfortunately for the Alliance, there was practically no story leading up to it. You just go in to explore it with Brann Bronzebeard. Combined with my dislike for the naval theme, I just had no motivation to play. I came back a few months before the release of Ny’Alotha and had a blast with Mechagon. Horrific Visions and Ny’Alotha were very fun.

Titanforging was awesome!


But the current expansions is always the “worst expansion ever” if the forums are to be believed.