Was BFA That Bad?

As the title says… Do you think the BFA expansion was as bad as we made it out to be? Or do you think it was actually pretty good?


Stingy systems made all my friends quit.

Zones/content and stuff were fun for me, though.


I loved it! The zones, the music, the Allied Races. I still enjoy leveling over there.


For me: the War of Thorns destroyed a lot of RP and guilds. The expansion was mediocre at best. The dungeons were mostly not enjoyable. I had zero interest in the raids. The storyline was not interesting. The Azerite gear and Heart were annoying. I stuck around for friends.

SL was worse.

But that’s how I’ve always thought about them. Nothing changed in that regard.

I thought it was great, BFA has tons of stuff to do, i can go thro the list of things there was for solo players but its alot


I think it was pretty good. I had more fun in BFA than I did in WoD and Legion.

Same. I leveled my draenei lock through BFA simple because I loved the zones/quests. I’m sure it wasn’t optimal but who cares!


The leveling experiences were great.

The Azerite system was bad and Essences were even worse, and then corruptions were just dumb.


Maybe I’m weird but I thought the corruptions were the best part of the expansion lol. I miss them


I actually liked it. A storyline for each faction, a way to progress, it wasn’t bad. It didn’t hurt that I was in an active guild that helped me through the mandatory dungeons.

It kept me busy at the pace I play.


Nah you aren’t alone. They were tons of fun.


BFA was awesome!
Great zones, great questing, great dungeons, and it added new races.

It was a lot of fun when it was current content, and its still great to revisit now.


Better than shadowlands, at least

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The Horde zones were some of my favourite for leveling in.

bfa was bad because it came off the heels of the greatest expansion wow had seen in almost 10 years.

bfa had titanforging i liked that

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As someone who has not seen a single cutscene in game or read any quest text since wrath, bfa was a good expansion. The tying of significant player power to azerite gear and the necklace was a massive step down from the class and spec focus that shaped Legion. However, the culmination of bfas systems with corruption enabled an almost unlimited amount of power customization that hadn’t been done before or since in wow.

The game was criminally grindy and I never want that kind of lifestyle again, but the payoff was glorious for people who like to commit to personal progress.

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Story wise and setting, it was alright. Though I still hold Drustvar as being the best zone ever bar none.

But remembering the systems to deal with? Azerite farming? Island expeditions? Ick. One of the most frustrating experiences. Though I do miss warfronts, they weren’t great but I hope it gets iterated on.

I loved BFA, but a few things, Azerite was just a complete miss, and grinding Azerite was a redo of artifact power. Each of these was completely unnecessary and really snake bit the whole xpac.

Warfronts and Islands were interesting in concept but a miss in execution. Islands were just an aoe Zerg fest rather than fun exploration, and I liked warfronts but objectives were fun but unnecessary and the event always became a beeline up the middle to the final objective. Also, an apparently nautical themed expansion really had no adventures or fighting at sea.

I loved the vast difference in the Alliance vs Horde experience. I don’t feel like we’ve ever seen such a difference between the faction experience and I never saw that fact praised enough. I liked the story up through 8.1, but then we went from an all out faction war to getting Azshara from out of nowhere to then of course the proverbial old god end boss. Storywise, when you look at the beginning of BFA v. the end it’s completely disjointed .

The zones and questing were fantastic. I recently just went through the Alliance side (for reps, I played Horde that xpac) and really enjoyed it. Makes me appreciate my Kul’tiran even more. Just wish blizzard would update them.

Edit: the faction war was really dumb.

True, now that you say it out loud that’s a good point. There wasn’t NEAR enough ‘at sea’ experiences! There was that one with…was it the wildhammers? Dwarfs with hammers and gryphons where you fly out for a mission? But even that’s mostly flying, not a lot of sailing.


I’m just going to leave this here, this happened in pvp and only those who lived through that time know:

full stacks of gashing wounds…on a DH build.