Was BFA That Bad?

i initially quit wow in 8.1 after feeling so bored and burnt by the way they were designing it, i only resubbed for 8.3 which was fun

azerite gear was a worse version of artifact weapons (disposable, uldir had raid-specific azerite traits, it was awful)

islands got boring after the 4th or 5th time you did them (there was a time you could afk them, that was too much fun for blizzard to allow unlike afking bgs and warfronts)

warfronts were cool but were promptly discarded and left for dead

azerite essences should have been available at launch instead of azerite armor
many specs were left feeling gutted since they baselined very few artifact abilities and traits

world pvp was actually very fun and active, i loved doing it and especially battle for nazjatar. they should bring back the call to arms weekly. they should also just make alliance/hordeslayer title account wide instead of having to tediously do it on any/all characters you want it on

corruptions were a mixed bag and could have been fun if they were not balanced around being rare (many of the good corruptions like td were nerfed considerably once they became available on the corruption vendor)

corrupted visions were a fun solo challenge, not much to write home about

forced ground mount travel was irritating and i only got it done in wod, legion, and bfa during the covid xp/rep buff they had for a while

did not particularly care for the story, it felt extremely contrived (hey why dont we go back to having petty wars again after we teamed up and permanently defeated the legion :D)

class design and talent trees for a lot of specs were utter crap (enh, ret, ww, sv were worthless meme specs, locks were busted as per usual, fury was lame, arms was ok but you had little sustain, disc priest was insanely busted at launch, sub rogue got trashed after tuning after uldir launched)

overall i would give it a 4/10, fun world pvp does not really make up for the middling/utter crap content the expac had