Was BFA That Bad?

  • Warfronts should have been PvP.
  • Azerite gear was OK, but as usual, people prefer tier.
  • The many systems were coherent though, 8.2 was amazing. PvP was about getting the most tentacles to proc!
  • Legion legendaries and artifact weapons being effectively gone was the greatest miss in WoW’s history IMO, so that’s a BfA negative.

At least HoA/MoP cloack are beasts in TW unlike artifact weapons and other legendaries that were completely neutered.

Once they got past the steaming pile that was Azurite armour, BfA was for the most part a lot of fun.
This was especially true for my Shadow Priest as Xal’atath said I was her favorite! :grinning:

As a levelling experience BfA imo was pretty sweet. Can’t comment on post levelling because I started after.

I certainly did like the story of BfA a lot more than my friends did. Significantly more relatable than SL.

Without reading a single post in the thread, yes it was that bad.

Legion had a rough 1st half that they cleaned up by the 2nd half. BFA doubled down on the bad aspects of the 1st half.


I’m going to give it a “No, but” as my response.

My experience with BFA at the start was great. Playing on the Alliance side had a REALLY strong opening with the quests out of the gate, and I still find the Pride of Kul Tiras chain and experience as a whole is really solid. I actually enjoyed the war campaign and feeling curious about the Horde side of things.

However, and it’s a BIG however, Azerite, while it sounded alright initially on paper, was horrible in practice. Some story beats weren’t all that great, and man, the additional systems they started to pile on to try and patch things up was just not great at all. People complained about Titanforging and in turn got corruptions. Pain.

War mode was cool though!

I had a lot of fun. Great leveling experience, unique campaign on both factions. Good xmog sets. Good music. Islands were beautiful. Zuldazar + Boralus, great cities (such a downgrade we had then with Oribos). Nazjatar was cool. Great raid…Top-notch cutscenes (in game and full render). Not so fond of Azerite Powers, though

I enjoyed it, nice world content, fun dailies (just killing rares that had fast spawns was very nice especially for gold). I did no lfr that expansion and had decent gear from world content and horrific visions. And soloed some nice raids/made decent progress with solo instances. Now they don’t even fix stuff like that like M Mythrax.

I did no Mythic plus, and was happy. I liked the islands but hated getting kicked from them from randoms who were kicking for extra chances at loot, (would have been nice to solo them like you can now). Horrific visions were nice form of solo progression. Really miss the solo flexible dungeons, torgast was like that but felt unrewarding, I also miss that system. Now world content is dead, and most of my gameplay is in lfr or mythic plus and that’s sort of annoying. Why they made rares so hard I do not know. Or why they made them have these weird spawning schedules, with horrible drop rates. Legion and BFA had the most casual friendly rares which I enjoyed not having to afk to wait for a chance at low rng loot like a dragon customization.

Zaralak Caverns are like the peak show of how neglected world content is. And stuff like the time rifts, which suck to play through cause of the intense server lag. I miss the solo stuff tbh.

The way azurite armor was implemented especially at release was just awful. While it improved later it often felt the only way to achieve power growth was an insane amount of azurite grinding.

Great part of the players doesnt emeven engage mythic plus,making warfront pvp is a bad idea

Worst pvp season of the game, just because of corruptions and pve fear being anabled on arena.

Azerite gear was trash AF, just reinforcing the azerite grind

1 set was good, the Battle of Dazaralor, the rest was mid.

I’ll respectfully disagree with you. I don’t mind PvE creep on PvP (Actual PvP - unrated random BGs), I embrace and enjoy it.
BfA was good, after Legion that was peak WoW.

Anabling PvE gear in PvP is a mistake. Unranked PvP is not actual PvP, tho. Rated Arenas and Bgs are affected by it.

The actual PvP gearing system is the best. You can have full honor gear in a day and start ranked.

Again, BFA pvp was trash with corruptions and nyalhotha weapons and trinkets

If BfA had Dragon-flight….it would have been amazing.

One of the things that made it annoying was the constant running around trying to dodge aggro mobs.

I enjoyed corruption though. It was kind of fun.

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I’m curious about the story behind this. How do you mean?

BfA was honestly one of my favorites. It had its issues, but I really enjoyed the storyline, I thought the new Alliance questing zones were really well done, and (most importantly) I had a really good time playing. I’m also an old sailor, so the theme of the expansion might have biased me a bit. :sweat_smile:

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It started out very poorly, and didn’t really get good until the 2nd half of 8.3.

I miss BFA.

The main complaint from BFA was that there was too much to do, but was there really? There was ton of things, but most of it was not mandatory unless you were going for min/max for specific content or raid fights.

Like you could do Island Expeditions to get the worldvein HOA essence (and farm AP), but that only worked if enough people had it, for a fight that had minimal movement, so realistically you could skip IE. But than IE gave mounts, cosmetics and pets, so if you wanted for fun, you could do IE to farm stuff that did not count for player power, completely optional content.

Realistically you could run M+ only, still get enough AZ gear, HOA essences and AP to perform at a decent level with everything else being optional, but people want to do everything, so they complained there was too much to do.

And that’s what makes DF an expansion I don’t really like as much as some previous ones, there is just not enough to do, some new quests here and there with new patches, some new farms like Time Rifts, but nothing that can really go back to because once you are done, i.e. I have all the time rift items, why would I ever go back there?

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I have all the IE pets and mounts, why would i ever go back there?

O right, to farm AP

For an expansion that promoted itself as a “faction pride” expansion, they really made one side feel really bad for existing. It was all downhill from there.


I’d say it also depended on the faction.

The Alliance Kul’tiran story was very much presented as an underdog looking to get back into shape and glory. It was fun to play to it and see the kingdom reformed.

The Horde one…a lot of it just felt hopeless and it was the exact opposite story. The Empire was falling apart and you had to play along with a smile as piece after piece dropped off. The entire campaign was based around “stealing a staff” that the Alliance get back in…1 quest?

Add to it all having to deal with Nathanos that constantly talked to you like you’re less value than the dirt stuck to his shoe….

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Should have specified that I was talking about gameplay and systems.

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