Warthin And The Subjective Experience of Names

I’ve rarely seen anything as stupid on these forums as the attempt to get people to use what is akin to baby-talk in reference to the next expansion. It’s throwing spaghetti at the wall in front of a room of people, and then when they point out that doing so is ridiculous, you cry “how dare you judge me, I happen to like throwing food, I am obviously the only mature person with an open mind here”.


No its not a thing, its just a thing trolls use as bait… Don’t give it any thought, just flag and move on.

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What the heck is warthin, is sounds stupid.

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That’s cause it is stupid. Unfortunately Tobiume and her troll brigade resubbed for 10.2 and so have come back in force to restart their trolling work on GD. Best to do what all the rest of us have done and put them on ignore.


I’ve never unsubbed. No one is in my brigade.

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why do these cyber bullies want to brigade flagging others’ innocent posts?

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I have no idea why alt jumping to trol and generate consent is still allowed. If not btag it should show all other characters right away and no I domt wanma go to some third party site and cross reference achievments to “catch” alt hoppers. Even worse why are classic toons still allowed to roam free here with the worst takes ever.


It should just be battletag, and account wide ignore should still be a thing. We should still be able to choose which character we display, but it should show the battletag under it.

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Yeah, busy liking your own posts and responding to yourself with multiple alts. Based on what i see its a full time job. :smirk:


Prove it. If you can’t because you are making things up, stop targeting me or stop harassing me. It’s weird you are not flagged for harassment and trolling.

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There’s a fine line here between bullying and snarky disagreeing. My take here is a good portion of people that are responding just plain object to the word, and others are using it has the new “snarky” jumping board. Ì mean come on, it’s like dangling chum for sharks.

Using your preferred name doesn’t make for a mutual “expansion nickname” or 100th Monkey Effect. Nor for that matter, particularly honor what the developers named it: The War Within (ironic at this point).

We, the players, honor their chosen title by a natural acronym. I was going to go with TWW because WW sounded too close ‘world war’, but others were shortening it, so whatever. I think what you’re failing to understand here is that The War Within is already the preferred name. WE are not renaming it, we as players don’t have that right legally or morally. (And honestly, talking about bullying, think of the writer(s), artist, and developers that work hard to get their baby out there and hope it will fly. (can you tell I’m a unpublished writer? lol) This stuff is important. You just slurred their expansion before even playing it.

Calling everyone ‘a bully’ that doesn’t like your preferred name that you personally want to give an entire expansion is incorrect. These decisions get made by unspoken tacit agreement and honoring the original title. Some times with an alternate. Like MoP or Mist’s. An expansion has meaning.

Shadowlands had Slands for awhile, but that was more of a slur used at the end, but infrequently used, and largely ignored. Then comes your version less than a month after the title was announced, and without it even being played.

To do so before hand and not think you were going to ruffle some feathers let alone not bring out the first snarks of many means you forgot how this forum or social media works. What? Did you think it was going to really be accepted? Or by extension you personally wouldn’t catch any of the flap? That, my dear, is not cyberbullying. That’s a two-way street which you decided to get on. For my part, the fun wore off and I’ll just ignore it from here on out. Truly, if your feelings are really starting to get hurt at this point, I’m out. But you have to know everytime you or anyone else posts it’s got the potential to go all wrong and you have to have a thick enough skin to take it.


Yikes, why are you trying to justify you ganging upon me with your friends to flag my posts. This is a horrible bullying and you are trying to gaslight me thinking it’s just ok when we know you are just a bully.

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10/10 I laughed.

Not for me. I refuse to use anything but “TWW”.


I like “War war” cause it reminds me of a GWAR song.

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I have no idea what you responded to me last night as I was fast asleep. I just woke up this morning and saw a post to me flagged and deleted by author. And btw was super glad I never saw it. I don’t have a bunch of cyberbully friends that would do that and can only assume it was super bad.

Sweetie,in the kindest way possible, honestly, I’ve been on the other end of actual bullying on this forum a long time ago. Enough so that the mods had to keep the posts permanently unflagged. I wouldn’t do that to anyone. I was just being a snark about the word. Might I suggest you reread my last post with intent in which is was meant and not so defensively. I sincerely hope you understand what was said, but that’s your choice, and this is my last response to you.

Maybe because all Ive done is point out facts. :man_shrugging: I’m not sure that’s against any rules.

I’m surprised you didn’t make a mention about the various Dragonflights’ naming nomenclature:

  • Black Male: typically ends in ‘ion; Female: typically ends in ‘ia
  • Blue Male: typically ends in ‘gos; Female: typically ends in ‘gosa
  • Bronze Male: typically ends in ‘mu; Female: typically ends in ‘mi
  • Green Male: typically ends in ‘us; Female: typically ends in ‘ra
  • Red Male: typically ends in ‘strasz; Female: typically ends in ‘strasza

As for the Warthin vs T-Dubs? T-Dubs seems too close to G-Dubs which is such a money hungry organisation, that they make Blizzard look like a charity! They banned all fanmade content and place it behind their own paywall…

No… no it isn’t. and stop trying to make it happen.

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The W-squad.

Agreed, but they would just alt hop and bypass peoples ignores.


Guess again.
And FTR, it’s World Soul One, which will be followed by World Soul 2 and 3.

Just like the Warcraft series, nobody refers to the chapter names.
It’s always been WC, WC2 and WC3.