Warthin And The Subjective Experience of Names

It’s the food chain. They feed off attention and we feed off their tomfoolery


When discussing The War Within, it will settle down what we’ll call WW when TWW actually comes out. SL was called SLands for a while before, so until we’re actually in Warthin discussing what to actually call WoWWWT is the only World of Within content we have.

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No, it’s not. The people that use it will continue to be mocked and ridiculed.

I think a lot of them are like flat-earthers…don’t really believe in it but enjoy spouting nonsense to screw with people because it makes them feel clever or less unimportant or something.


I continue to find it amusing that this post has been hidden and restored twice.

For the record: I really, really don’t want Warthin to be a thing, and I really would love TWW or “T-Dubs” to be a thing, and I am both sorry TO and sorry FOR anyone who thought I was posting in a bad-faith manner.

This isn’t always true, but sometimes it’s true: when they try to silence you, you’re on the right track.

This has potential since it’s a shorter syllable count and takes less time to type. I can’t get behind “TWW” at all though since it’s seven syllables (more than the title it’s supposed to shorten).

It’s three keystrokes. You don’t type in syllables.



No it isn’t.



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Regina Rita: Gretchen, stop trying to make Warthin happen! It’s not going to happen!

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It isn’t. It’s only a “thing” because people like you apparently, use it because it’s apparently “A thing” and are trying to make it a thing.

It’s WW.

thats windwalker

I hate it. It’s the dumbest possible way to refer to 11.0. But at this point it’s been so popularized that there’s no getting rid of it. Unfortunately, it’s here to stay and it’s going to annoy me every time I have to read it.

Itʻs only a thing if you make it a thing.

How many times did you perpetuate this word in your post?

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Yep I just say it because it just Rustle some jimmies on this forum and it just rolls off the tongue Warthin

Warthin is so fetch


Why do you think I’m trying to make it a thing when I’ve explicitly stated, multiple times, that I do not want it to be a thing? Am I writing a different form of english than everyone else? Why am I able to communicate in writing effectively with friends, family, clients and colleagues, but somehow, magically, on the WoW forums I’m misunderstood when I state, clearly, “I do not want Warthin to be a thing?” Why is that?

so your admitting to trolling?


Its the same like 3 people posting every few days. It’s not a thing.


I call it T-Dubs myself.

T-Dubs, 12am, and TILT are my go-tos for the next three expansions.

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That’s cause it does. Warfarin is a blood thinner: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=wafferin