Warsong Gulch War Games

Transmog is different though if it changes your appearance to everyone else. I just see this as a competitive mini-game for bragging rights. It doesn’t change anything outside of the WSG WGs as long as there is no honor given. If there was honor given it would be full of win trading so it would be a terrible idea.

I’m usually no changes but I don’t see this as being a problem, that’s just my opinion though and others don’t have to agree.



I think sensible changes, that do not impact the open world or entire culture of how people play the game - but allow for people to have fun - aren’t always a bad thing.

and yes, wargames do not give honor - consumes are still used, etc.

AV Premades were squashed by Blizzard, BGs have been hosted cross server through an entire region instead of in much smaller battlegroups through a few specific servers, by the time Warsong came around it was an entirely different thing from what Vanilla was.

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OCE is only 4 realms, it’s pretty comfy community. I’m sorry that you can’t experience this on NA but I see massive complaints for splitting the NA community into two, so I wonder if you have the popular opinion.

This is a separate issue to premades by the way.

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There’s those who want Classic to be improved such as retail and those who wish for this version to remain out dated to be played through warts and all.

You’re obviously of the former. We share opposite opinions.

The complaints from splitting the two regions in half was largely because it impacted the twinking scene to the point of almost killing it across all brackets and flat out killing it in a few brackets.

I am most definitely of the opinion that sensible changes that do not heavily impact anything to do with open world or extremely core components of the game should be considered - the fear is that Blizzard runs wild with it and destroys the game, and it’s up to the community to keep that in check.

In the NA region, because of how large our region is combined with free transfers and paid transfers heavily impacting being able to play with our friends - it definitely creates a biased favor around being able to play with those people.

Everyone knows the honor system is out dated and a mess - and gaming culture has changed from what it was in Vanilla - the way BGs go now, is not how it was in Vanilla. The way the game is played in it’s entirety now is not how it was in Vanilla.

I am of the opinion that stubbornly holding onto a #nochanges policy in aspects of the game that are demonstrably impacting people from enjoying it due to pserver and retail culture influencing how the game is done does more harm than good to Classic. It is pushing people away from the game.


I get you, I just don’t agree that is the purpose of Classic. It has nothing to do with pserver or retail culture, that’s ridiculous.

To each their own, there is definitely a disconnect between us due to our regions - and I am sorry that our region being such a mess seems to be impacting how you enjoy the game in your region.

I don’t think my region is why I want to play through a version of Classic that is close as the original as can be.

This doesn’t mean that I wish to replay the game in the same way that I did as a child, it means I want to replay the system.

Yes, each to their own. I hope you find enjoyment within the current game.

Hard to say, a lot of things have happened in the NA region that have left the game largely unplayable for most people who enjoy Classic for it’s PVP moreso than it’s PVE. I don’t follow the OCE region servers do I have no idea if it’s been the same over there. You can look at ironforge dot pro and see how bad most of our PVP servers are.

It’s only unplayable if you’re expectations are set to what would be presented to you in a more modern game.

I suggest finding a guild that has some sort of PVP scene, big or small. Start from there and network with other players of your realm. Make some friends.

If you are going to pug, don’t queue WSG during a WSG weekend. The other queues will be long but there’s far less chance that you’ll match with a premade.

Mmm, it was unplayable. My original server died and is now 99% horde. There is a certain tipping point where you flat out cannot enjoy the game.

That being said, I went out of my way to level on almost every PVP server in the region in search of a new home - and a lot of them share the same trends that will lead them down that same path.

I found the best server for me and myself and friends started our own world PVP guild trying to make what we enjoy work.

I stopped ranking when Warsong became the meta because the server my main was on was nothing but dodge mades and I refused to destroy the integrity of the game that way, I spent some time in PUGs to see how it is…and it was pretty bad.

tl;dr I’m still playing and enjoying the game, but I have taken an unreasonably large amount of my own time researching what kills servers and how much of that is the gaming culture vs how much of that is flawed game design.

I’m in no way for massive changes around the game, I would very much prefer it stay as Vanilla-like as possible. This is the first time I’ve been in agreement with something being in the game that was not in Vanilla.

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To be fair, it seems your problems lie more with the health of your realm.

Yeah, the honor system pressures those with quick queues to dodge games to remain competitive but there are groups and guilds that exist that don’t play to such extremes.

Classic honor system is deeply flawed but it’s a main feature of Classic. Your best bet is to wait for TBC or play retail if you are seeking an alternate experience.

Not on Whitemane, there were literally 2 BG teams alliance side that weren’t dodge mades - and they were already cliqued out and only taking fills. Was pretty cringe.

I’m very happy on my new server and it’s incredibly healthy because the players here have a bigger sense of responsibility towards the community being in charge of keeping the server alive.

It’s just unfortunate that, at least in the NA region, a lot of people don’t seem to understand that aspect of Vanilla - the community being responsible for the health of the server.

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Those are the known teams of your realm. There are more than 10 alliance ranking on your realm, you just need to find them.

Trust me, I tried to find them lol. There’s definitely a disconnect between us based on our own experiences here.

That could be true.

I don’t think that it’s Blizzard’s responsibility to assist players in controlling their population. Good or bad, it’s up to the players to create their own community.

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I agree, it’s not happening on most PVP servers NA, though. I am very fortunate to have found one of the few, if not the only one, before transfers to it were locked off.

There should be better restrictions on transfers. That’s something a realm’s community can’t control.

Good luck, mate. I hope your experiences improve.