Warsong Gulch War Games

How come on CN servers, the command /wg is available for them?
War Games are where you are able to play against any premade regardless of faction.
Alliance vs Alliance
Horde vs Horde
Here the chinese had a WSG tournament last weekend and you can see, if they have each other on battlenet friends they can just type /wg there bnet id and get there premade instantly with no que, and you don’t get any honor from wargames.
This really should be pushed and enabled to EU/NA servers for more competitve serious warsong games instead of the constant pug stomping mades that always give up against any good premade because they only care about hph. It’s a good system for people who are done ranking to practice against other premades that want to get better and learn. We could also have big tournaments for wsg, since it’s really the only competitive thing in classic wow.
Can’t post links, but i can provide videos of chinese having war games to prove it.


This is a good idea and should be implemented if possible.

You are all very good players and I can respect that. HOWEVER you roof and do that stupid flag thing with any horde premade that tries to fight back until they AFK out. Why would any team want to bother to fight?



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American WoW players be like “no changes”. China is playing Classic+ and loving it.


Blizzard HAS to bow to their chinese overlords to protect the pennies they make over there along with their IP. Blizzard doesn’t have to do anything in the U.S. because they have the freedom to be overly stingy here. Besides, the #nochanges group love beating dead mutilated horses.

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This is exactly why I haven’t bothered with even a single game of wsg. These terrain exploits were reported in the beta and blizzard has done absolutely nothing about them. War games when that is the meta? What a joke.


The nochanges crowd needs to chill. Most are to slaty/don’t trust blizz because what happened to “their” game I get that.

It wouldn’t make sense to make two retail wow’s. I say anything that improves game play and doesn’t kill the world can be good

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That would be cool. Competitive BGs in the Classic platform…the reyplability on that would be great!

Not in Classic, sorry.


While it’s true many players have lost trust with the current Blizzard teams, that’s not necessarily the cause for not wanting changes.

For myself, I want to be able to progress through vanilla’s original systems, as close as can be possible.

If you need changes for the game to be replayable for yourself, I have to wonder if you appreciated Classic’s launch in the first place.

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You can simply choose not to /wg.
Nochanges problem solved.

You could simply choose retail.

Problem solved?


Man, I didn’t know this was a thing and now I’m sad about it.

Blizzard really needs to think about some kind of system for actual Classic PVPers, instead of the current system letting people use PVP as a means to push for more efficient PVE.

so they can just type /wg and join warsong gulch ? wtf… that’s not even WoW vanilla then .
might aswell just type /teleport me to raid and have that too.

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don’t even act like you didn’t pug stomp your way to rank 14, you are part of the problem and youre not even good at the game so quit acting like it.

lol btw I was in a pug the other day as I usually always am, against your supposed best guild in the game while they were pug stomping. our pug had 2 healers and we lost but we farmed your precious clan at farm for damn near 3k honor and they couldn’t even 5 cap us until 1800 points. you guys are so full yourselves for absolutely no reason.

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Imagine calling one of the best FCs in the game bad at it, lol.

They also live under a murderous communist dictatorship.


Honestly…I’d take that if I could have real Warsong.

Oh I appreciated it. I played Vanilla back then and helped petition for it when Nost went down.
I’m just thinking with how fast content is cleared and were already near AQ, after Naxx is done why not implement a competitive PvP mode for Classic? Classic PvP is so fun because it is simple. Im not saying add arenas but an option to have your team fight another team in WSG/AB. It’d just be like a patch that never happened on Vanilla.

As one of the pugs your group has stomped in your quest for rank 14 gear I say you get #nochanges.