Warsong Battalion: Imperial Defenders of the Realm


The Empire’s Might remains unmatched.
The Emperor’s Will, unquestionable.
The Legions, unstoppable.
The Victims of her Wrath, uncountable.


Warsong Invicta!

Is ED worth transfering to? Hows the world pvp on the server

It’s great! There’s plenty of world pvp in the new zones, especially over crates. Typically see groups of Alliance congregating in the center of New-Nagrand.

Every passing day brings more victories for the brave Imperial Legions to lay at the feet of His Majesty.

For Him-Upon-The-Throne!
Glory to the Warsong Empire!

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One 40 man raid of WSB wiped 3 Alliance raids last night thanks to the wonders of dragonriding!


Numbers are meaningless in the face of the unyielding tide of the Warsong Empire. Each night, our wings darken the skies as we hunt those who would dare stand before us in vain.

Be a part of the Warsong Legacy. Enlist today.

Warsong strategy wins out again.

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If you’re wanting to join our guild, make sure you’re ready to be a number! We have around 200 online, 3 rbg teams, and maybe a raid team! We love to zerg! Join today!

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Gonna pass on any guild that gets it members to mass report someone for laughing that you got owned by an alliance guild. Children seriously.

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for more on topic discussion, had an excellent time at last night’s RP-PvP event! Thank you to Grimsy for hosting!


Exactly my point, you can’t even offer a valid argument in defense just flag my comment. You guys are bullies. I never understood why rp’rs are so soft

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We basically have all of the content.

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How does one join? Im looking for rp and pvp.

Awesome people with tons of stuff to do.

My name is Holly and I approve this message.

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We have the best content folks.

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