Warsong Battalion: Imperial Defenders of the Realm

Highly recommend any horde looking for a guild and who is Lvl 60 to join.


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All hail Emperor Himanshu of House Warsong Battalion, the First of his Name, King of the Warsong Battalion and the First Orcs, Protector of the Twelve Horde Races, and protector of the realm, the Father of Emerald Dream, the Orc Death Knight of the great Emerald Dream Seas, the undefeated, breaker of the Kingship of the East.

Bows His majesty Himanshu

(Edit: I may or may not have copied that from game of thrones. I thought it’d be cool to say lol)



For the Emperor!

LMAO i just saw this. classic.

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Cant wait for tuesday.

Raid roster is posted and being worked on. PvE Days/times are set! Warsong Imperial Troopers remain on the bleeding edge of WPvP. The Warsong Empire is ready for Dragonflight!

Warsong Invicta!
Glory to the Emperor!

A Heretic may see the truth and seek redemption. He may be forgiven his past and will be absolved in death. A Traitor can never be forgiven. A Traitor will never find peace in this world or the next. There is nothing as wretched or as hated in all the world as a Traitor.

Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Emerald Dreamers!!



Light your way in the darkness with the pyres of burning heretics.

I’m not a heretic! I’m not a heretic! Please, don’t burn me!

Lay a fire within your soul and another between your hands, and let both be your weapons. For one is faith and the other is victory and neither may ever be put out.

Question not your lot in this life. Be content to serve Him-Upon-The-Throne - however humble your station.

Bump Because last night was fun.

Who do I get in touch with about joining?

Bnet is Wetheother#1930
Discord is WtO#6698

Sent you a request

Himanshu is in the Epstein flight log more times than Clinton

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