Warsong Battalion: Imperial Defenders of the Realm

Getting close now! WPvP strong!

Orc zug zug

Hold on, is Himanshu actually back on the Horde? Last time I was on ED playing, he’d faction changed to Alliance for the purpose of balance and I ended up getting pulled to other servers. If he’s back on Horde and playing again, I’ll swap my mains back over to ED in a heartbeat


Yeah we’re here.

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Yep, the gang’s all here.

Warsong PvE returns in Dflight! CE leadership with a fun atmosphere!


hummm interesting :thinking:

Come experience the flavor!

Looking to recruit all types of players for next expansion!

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Out of Curiosity, what kinds of healer do you guys want/need the most? I’m curious mostly for WPvP but also raiding.

I think Shamans and Monks. But that could change.


Two classes I enjoy and have at 60 already. I’ll probably hop onto one of them and put in an application so I can roll with you guys sometimes!

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You will always need monks.

/Jedi mind trick

Hey its this guy, You were the one who said he joined the marines and then pretended to get hit by a bus right


No he’s actually 3 midgets in a trenchcoat.

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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

how do we know it isn’t 4 small midgets in a large trenchcoat

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They aren’t midgets, they’re gnomes.

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What’s the difference?

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In the wise words of Mortignis

wriggles tongue