Warsong Battalion: Imperial Defenders of the Realm

Looking to round out our Heroic Aberrus roster.

Just watch anime and work out. Do both. Donā€™t neglect cardio for stamina. Itā€™s all fun and games until the floridaman is running at you with a slingshot loaded with baby alligators.

sounds good.
now be alliance :T

yeah, thats why i get a weird sinking feeling sitting through modern pve in a game like this after so long

I often would wonder what Iā€™m missing out on, like going outside, or riding a bike or having friends with whites in their eyes

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The best part of all this is that I stopped supporting the guild and your featherweight leader doesnā€™t care either xan. You are literally a mouth around a pacifier.


lol thatā€™s how itā€™s always been, all the way back to the MoP days when heā€™d get demoted and promoted 4 times a week. Lest we forget the warsong afterdark chronicles.

I quit the guild when you stopped providing me big aoe fights to cleave, literally win for you. Youā€™re scared of cryptids league, ruin, etc.


Itā€™s basically our city anyway.

Now thatā€™s truly something to be proud of.


Fought in Stormwind enough. Died a few times too. Itā€™s Warsong clay at this point.

Alliance welcome btw. Shame itā€™s only instanced content for now but weā€™ve been having fun with our blue-bannered friends.

Iā€™ll pass, thank you very much. WSB will always be just another horde guild to me.


mfw i see another reply on this post

Could use a few more raiders. Looking to push into Mythic.

I applied in looking for guild in game. Was a member during legion before my last break.

bro is still playing, you missed the boat

AoTC done. Looking to fill out our roster for a Mythic push. New people who are willing to learn are welcome!

Really moving up in the world eh?

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Good luck in your vaults!

Few spots left for Mythic!

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