Warsong Battalion: Imperial Defenders of the Realm

All of you guys turn War Mode or something? Feel like I’m wandering the new zone by myself.

Sounds like Twitter’s idea of cancelling.

Only interested in mass scale wpvp/favored engagments. The small scale is nonexistent. If you try to form up wpvp with guild members, the leaders step in to quash any groups/potentially kick you from the guild for trying to have fun.

Wednesdays are CBH days, only want to fight if it’s like 10-20~ players in a zone. Heavy spying. I just don’t see the fun in any of that. It was different when there was an actual challenge or risk.


Events run almost nightly. Active atmosphere.

Hubs and I are just coming back for real-he was a former Warsong Ace on Feathermoon in Vanilla and recovered his account and I’m former Blacktooth Grin from VeCo. I had an alt I was leveling the first couple of weeks we started back in the Battalion and it just seemed exceptionally dead. Could have just been a lull? Has there been a push the last few months for more activity? We are desperate for a decent community and folks who love PvP and some RP in the mix. We would love to join up if you guys are actively recruiting, but aren’t keen on having to fight to join a clique to have people to run stuff with. We both miss the old days of WoW community and its just so far gone from that nowadays. At the end of the day, even some Tauren crave the taste of Alliance bl**d :wink: We would also be willing to help build your alt guild, Brigade. I have numerous alts that I am active on while he acclimates to how different WoW is.


Following a break, we’ve been active since May of last year on ED. Happy to talk more through Discord or Battle.net. Himanshu#1000 or Legend#1107.


We have anime women. Real ones too if you’re into that. There’s even a vaporeon around here somewhere…

AOTC Raid team coming off hiatus as well.

We have it all!

Anime lovers welcome

Great memories years ago against you all in Tol Barad, could never win the one base you guys held :joy:


i am looking for my friend mortignis. where art thou?

He’s lurking around. He pretended to quit again for the 78th time but we know how that goes.

That bastard.

well well well, if it isnt mortignis himself.

I have returned for my 69th time :smiling_imp:

Anyone else hate the new mole people? I feel like im being harrased everytime i click them.

I’ll have them know i take a shower daily, you’ll find no weird smells on me.

Delro… bumping this post…

It’s over…

I understand…

If you wanna clown around you better be ready to find out.

Good patch so far.