Warsong Battalion: Imperial Defenders of the Realm

Really hoping this new dungeon is good.

Dungeon wasn’t bad. Looking forward to pushing people through hardmode!

We up

Mighty Warsong endures.

We engage in a mild amount of Tomfoolery. Never Richardfoolery though. That guy’s a prick.

Let’s gooo!

dont waste your time on me, you’re already a voice inside my YED

ᴵ ᵐᶦˢˢ ʸᵒᵘ
ᴵ ᵐᶦˢˢ ʸᵒᵘ

Boop /10char

mort, i miss you man. ill never play wow again cuz im perma banned but i’d like to keep in touch with you.

Some run we had eh? Fun times. hmu on discord anytime.

A time will come, when the Battalion reawakens.

I hope, I pray. That they will call upon me to fulfil my duty.

Drugs are bad. Warsong cares.

3am RBGs lets gooooo

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Quality guilds don’t require advertising. Spam bumps look as bad as Warsong Afterdark was, right, Xan? :wink:

A Literally who:

shamelessly puts lack of knowledge and experience on full display

nonsensical statement

reference to a inside joke proving the literally who is just that

Right, name


Join Warsong. We do better.