Warriors, indeed need nerfs

Too bad it wasn’t completely successful with that

Yeah, I’m no quitter. At least I made it past level 11.


I’m still a work in progress

Durotar 2 hard 4 u

I think warrior is about where every dps spec should be. If you’re really good you can be very deadly, very disruptive, and aid your teammates, but if you’re not that great you will die pretty fast. The damage isn’t obscene like some classes, but it’s still very good damage. And the toolkit is very well rounded. I haven’t played as a warrior in years, so people who actually play the class might have a different and more inciteful opinion. Also my observations come from someone who just got back into PVP since I stopped playing at the end of MoP, and what I’ve experienced at a very low rating so things might be very different on the other end of the ladder. However, the class looks fun and I’m thinking about giving it a try

Can promise you i blew absolutely all my cds to keep him alive. I’m the healer.

I don’t have any control over what the other warrior does.

Nerfs to warriors are inevitable

self employed :grinning: :smoking:

no. its more mobile

It’s only unfun to healers cuz they have to do nothing but sit back and pve heal. I have fun in caster vs caster games.

My last two lobbies had double warrior, paired with a feral for the first game, then a DH for the next game. I tanked from 1640 to 1500 winning 3 out of the 12 total rounds due to a solid Rsham. Both arms warriors were slapping 90k mortal strikes, spear, and 40k overpowers like no ones business. The feral was opening with 120k ferocious bites. Meanwhile I’m like, let me amplify weakness, try to juke fear, then hopefully get a UA out, oh no healer is CC’d by storm bolt, let me use DP, oh no, DP didn’t do anything let me use soul burn healstone, oh no theres spear, let me soul burn gateway, dam, I’m globaled, let me try to MC warrior, oh thank you now ill gateway after spear has done 75k in damage, oh wow theyve already closed that gap. RIP 90k Mortal strike into an execute, meanwhile the feral is doing 800k and AOE damage because we’re on a cat walk with limited space to run without LOS’ing heals.

Rock wishes for all scissor lobby. Scissor wishes for all paper lobby. Paper wishes for all rock lobby.

Warlocks are mushrooms.

ruh roh shaggy

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Had this lobby on my first RSS queue as SV and it was a nightmare

What, in what reality is this true? Honesty what exactly has the rework done that makes this the case, what main things are changing? Do rets fly around on wings now

Well we get an instant flash of light every 6 seconds. Can crit heal like 100k. We have a 20 yard melee range on almost all of our abilities. If you let us get near you, autoattacks hit hard because of Crusading Strikes. Divine Protection + Seal of Vengeance is bae. We have dots, reliable snare.

I do appreciate, however, that you saw someone say “Rets can kill locks now” and your instant reaction was a snap of utter disbelief. Kinda paints a picture of how strong Warlock has historically been when the thought of losing to someone does that

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Oh geez

Also well I just played in an era where counters were more emphasized. Coming back every other expansion and seeing things at times like rogues and mages with sustain or warlocks being mobile really bamboozles the brain. Context behind a paradigm shifting is always nice to have

I mean, hard class counters have always been a thing. Ret’s always struggled with warlocks in the same way that warlocks typically struggle against warriors in the same way warriors struggle against frost mages in the same way frost mages struggle against marks hunters, etc.

Ya like how no one has ever struggled against ret lol (except occasionally warrior)

And for 10.0.7 everyone will.

Warriors before we had absurd levels of self healing. We just got out matched by the 3 health bar fight and unmitigated damage.