Warriors, indeed need nerfs

To be fair, back in the days before Warrior had self healing, Ret was barely not even close to a functional spec and was generally the laughingstock of wow

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wrath of the lich king? (warrior had some healing but nothing like we have now)

Wrath was the first time Ret was a functional spec for sure

For the 900th time, representation is a venn diagram. Warrior is so high because it’s midle section is the largest; with one side of the pie being “fun” and the other being “good”.

People play warriors en mass because it’s good, they have fun playing it, and it’s infinitely better against where the majority of the ladder is (rat leagues bad players) than it is at higher MMR.

To be very clear; warrior is very good, but not anywhere near as good as you guys think they are, and when they Q in to triple wizard lobbies like is infinitely more common @ high mmrs, their lives are absolute nightmares and they get blasted.

Warrior is fine man.


even when warrior is doodoo you still see a lot of em. Warrior is a very familiar archetype that people flock to. Everyone knows a warrior in any game has a big weapon and smashes people with it. Fewer people have a clear idea of what a shadow priest (as a random example) is. So even if both classes are somehow measurably equally balanced, you would probably still see a ton more warriors than shadow priests.